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Unreal Engine 5 Blueprints – The Ultimate Developer Course by Stephen Ulibarri


Release date:2022, July

Duration:14 h 05 m

Author:Stephen Ulibarri

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

In this course, we’ll start from the basics and cover everything you need to know about Blueprints in Unreal Engine 5. From understanding what Blueprints are and navigating the Blueprint Editor, to creating gameplay systems, setting up widgets, and working with animation Blueprints—this course will guide you through it all.

Course Goals:

Our aim is to equip you with the knowledge and skills to plan and create your own gameplay systems for future projects. You’ll also learn to read and understand other people’s Blueprints, which will accelerate your learning process. No prior programming experience is required!

What You Will Learn:

  • Introduction to Blueprints:
    • What Blueprints are and their role in Unreal Engine 5.
    • How to navigate the Blueprint Editor UI.
  • Understanding Variables:
    • What variables are and how to use them effectively.
    • Commonly used nodes for variables.
  • Functions, Macros, and Events:
    • How to use functions, macros, and events to keep your project organized and efficient.
  • Blueprint Types:
    • The differences between Blueprint types such as characters, game modes, and actors.
  • Blueprint Communication:
    • Techniques for Blueprint communication including casting, interfaces, and event dispatchers.
  • Arrays:
    • How arrays work and how to modify them during gameplay.
  • Player Inputs:
    • Setting up player inputs, including the new Enhanced Inputs system.
  • Animation Blueprints:
    • The fundamentals of Animation Blueprints.
  • Widget UI:
    • Creating and setting up widget UI elements on the player’s screen.
    • Changing widget layouts and binding them to variables and functions.
  • Gameplay Systems:
    • Building gameplay systems such as health, interaction, respawn, and damage systems.
  • Spawning and Effects:
    • Spawning actors, particles, and sound effects, including the new MetaSounds system.
  • Code Organization:
    • Best practices for organizing your Blueprint code.

By the end of this course, you’ll have a solid foundation in using Blueprints, allowing you to build complex gameplay systems and efficiently manage your projects. Join us and start mastering Blueprints today!

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[Udemy] Unreal Engine 5 Blueprints – The Ultimate Developer Course by Stephen Ulibarri
01. Introduction

01. Introduction to Unreal Engine
03. Your First Challenge
04. Installing the Engine
05. Our First Project
06. Editor Layout
07. Play In Editor
08. Manipulating Objects
09. Perspective
10. File Types
11. Mesh Scale
12. Materials
13. Drone Material
14. Marketplace Assets
15. Migrating Assets

02. The Blueprint Visual Scripting System

01. What is Blueprint
02. The Level Blueprint
03. Creating a Blueprint Class
04. Components
05. Append String
06. Coordinates
07. Debug Shapes
08. Local vs Global Space

03. Vectors and Rotators

01. Vectors
02. Vector Examples
03. Vector Examples Practice
04. Vector Operations
05. Vector Operations Examples
06. Vector Operations Practice
07. Vector Magnitude
08. Vector Magnitude Examples
09. Vector Magnitude Practice
10. Booleans and Branches
11. Vector Normalization
12. Vector Normalization Practice
13. Delta Seconds
14. Rotators
15. Rotators Practice

04. Bad Bot – A Drone Flying Shooter Game

01. Multiple Materials Per Mesh
02. Geting a Reference to the Pawn
03. Interpolation
04. Static Mesh Sockets
05. Blaster Beam Mesh
06. Spawning Actors
07. Projectile Movement
08. Blueprint Functions
09. Niagara Systems
10. Spawning Effects
11. Meta Sounds
12. Timers
13. Hit Events
14. Expose on Spawn
15. Floating Spheres
16. Rotating the Spheres
17. Timelines with Float Curves
18. Timelines with Vector Curves
19. Sphere Spawner
20. Overlap Events
21. Game Mode
22. Bad Bot Level

05. Pawns and Enhanced Input

01. The Pawn Class
02. Creating a Custom Pawn Class
03. Adding Components to the Bot Pawn
04. The Enhanced Input System
05. Firing the Rifle
06. Mouse Movement
07. Floating Pawn Movement Component
08. Camera Lag

06. Collision Essentials

01. Unreal Engines Collision Framework
02. Collision Complexity
03. Queries
04. Sweeeping Collisions
05. Set Actor Location with Sweeping
06. Collisions with Physics
07. Collision with Movement Components
08. Collision Callbacks
09. Custom Collision Presets
10. Custom Collision Object Types

07. Bad Bot Wrap-Up and Boss Fight

01. Material Instances
02. Blueprint Interfaces
03. Widget Blueprints
04. Line Trace for Aiming
05. Level Assets
06. Bot Spawn Volume
07. Spawning Bots
08. Boss Bot
09. Boss Challenge
10. Boss Challenge Pt 2

08. Jetpack Journey – a 3D Platformer with a Jetpack

01. The Character Class
02. Creating the Kix Character
03. Kix Game Mode
04. Camera and SpringArm
05. Look Input Action
06. Kix Player Controller
07. WASD Movement
08. Clean Nodes
09. Jumping
10. Console Controllers
11. Animations
12. Blendspaces
13. State Machines
14. Movement Parameters
15. State Alias
16. Skeletal Mesh Sockets
17. Thruster Effect Components
18. Activating Thrusters
19. Thruster Sounds
20. Flying Mode
21. Thruster Movement Input
22. Flying Blendspace
23. Blend Poses vs State Machines
24. Sound Notifies
25. Jet Fuel
26. Enforcing Jet Fuel
27. Fuel Assets
28. Jet Fuel Actor
29. Refilling Jet Fuel
30. Juicing it Up
31. Widget Blueprints
32. Fuel Bar
33. Class Dependencies
34. Updating the Fuel Bar
35. Casting and Memory
36. Texture Compression
37. Soft References

09. Platformer Mechanics and Advanced Skills

01. Platforms
02. Pressure Plate
03. Moving the Plate
04. Interact Interface
05. Floating Platform
06. Ping Pong Platform
07. Placing Items
08. Packed Level Actors
09. Win and Lose
10. End Game Menu
11. Menu Functionality
12. Event Dispatchers
13. Data Types
14. The Construction Script

10. A 2D Dungeon Crawler – Red Hood

01. Free 2D Assets
02. Project Creation
03. Sprites
04. Flipbooks
05. Paper Character
06. Camera Settings
07. Input
08. PaperZD
09. Locomotion
10. Transitional Animations
11. Sound Notifies
12. Jump Sounds
13. State Events
14. Tilesets
15. Tileset Layers
16. Sort Priority
17. 2D Level
18. Level and Adjustments
19. Enemy Class
20. Behavior Tree
21. Behavior Tree Tasks
22. Decorators
23. Patrol Box Overlaps
24. Services
25. Custom Decorators
26. Attack Task
27. Skeleton Sounds
28. Box Trace
29. Anim Notifies
30. Trace for Objects
31. Hit React
32. Disable Movement
33. Hit React Effects
34. Damage and Health
35. Player Health Bar
36. Updating the Health Bar
37. Damage Numbers
38. Attack Input Action
39. Throttling Attacks
40. Attack Combo
41. Attack Count
42. Attack Anim Array
43. Structures – Attack Anim Data
44. Reset Attack Variables
45. RedHood Hit Boxes
46. Skeletons Getting Hit
47. Combat Effects
48. Damage Numbers on Skellies
49. Enemy Health Bars
50. Enemy Death

11. Chaos Vehicles

01. Assets
02. Combining Static Meshes
03. Adding a Skeleton
04. Skinning the Mesh
05. Vehicle Physics Asset
06. Wheel Blueprints
07. Torque Curve
08. Animation Blueprint
09. Vehicle Blueprint
10. Vehicle Inputs
11. Moving the Vehicle
12. Migrating the Vehicle
13. Interact Widget
14. Interactables
15. Interact
16. Possessing the Vehicle
17. Edge Cases
18. Exiting the Vehicle

[Udemy] Unreal Engine 5 Blueprints – The Ultimate Developer Course by Stephen Ulibarri.7z.rar

[Udemy] Unreal Engine 5 Blueprints – The Ultimate Developer Course by Stephen Ulibarri_Subtitles.7z

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