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Stable Diffusion 101 – Beginner’s Guide To Building Ai Art


Release date:2023

Duration:01 h 40 m

Author:Baba dook

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Stable Diffusion is the leading AI image generation tool worldwide, known for its popularity and accessibility as a free and open-source solution. Unlike competitors like Midjourney or DALL-E 2, Stable Diffusion allows you to use it locally on your own computer.

To run Stable Diffusion locally, you will need an NVIDIA graphics card with at least 4GB of VRAM.

This comprehensive training program will enable you to master AI image generation using Stable Diffusion to its fullest potential. You will learn various techniques and tricks to make the most out of Stable Diffusion’s capabilities. With Stable Diffusion, you have the power to create virtually any type of image, limited only by your imagination. Whether it’s photos, drawings, illustrations for products, blogs, or video games, you can use Stable Diffusion to bring your creative visions to life. Additionally, you can utilize the generated images for commercial projects, such as posters, merchandise, books, videos, and more.

What you will learn:

  • How to use Stable Diffusion to generate images
  • Creating images from simple text prompts
  • Enhancing your skills with advanced techniques like image-to-image translation and inpainting, as well as model merging
  • Launching your own commission business and selling your art on platforms like Fiverr and others.
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  1. I’m ashamed that an art course site decided to include this here. Especially considering the moral and legal ramifications of AI art and its harmful impact on artists’ incomes and brands.

    Plus AI generated art can’t be copyrighted so starting a business with it will backfire – you and clients won’t own the AI art therefore it’s legally suspect to try to charge money for it. And as the person selling it, you’ll end up in trouble.

    AI art has also been used to create pictures praising racism and bigotry in the style of artists without their permission. Maybe AI art will evolve to the point where it is a legit tool with proper legislation and rules in place. But right now, it has a negative impact on artists and art communities.

  2. Interesting to see that someone would put this on those online learning course websites, (the original source and this one)

    I literally went to check this out to see what it was about and as someone learning art traditionally by means of this website and stuff (tysm to the people who generously share the courses with others!)

    The only real practical thing i can ever see for A.I art is just for trying to come up with creative ideas to improve your own art or trying to incorporate new things into it that you can use to make your own art better.

    PS: If no one knows already, theres already 2 major lawsuits against one of those A.I Art companies over copyright and stuff. 1 party is a bunch of artists or something, and another is a major company who hosts images, so whatever goes on in the courts over A.I Artwork and Copyright should be an interesting thing to see on how the legal battle goes for this.

    I thought A.I Art would ruin part of my career (if i were to actually become an Artist.) However i am learning Art to help with 3d modeling atm.

    but the implications are there

  3. it make me sick to see this ai shit on this platform… Especially how to make “Launching your own commission business and selling your art on platforms like Fiverr and others.” WFT hopefully something will soon happen legally against it!

  4. This is literally garbage, Ai users put in zero work and effort and steal content from REAL artists.
    Please don’t normalize this type of content, if you use Ai, fuck you. You should stop being a lazy idiot and stop stealing from talented and hardworking people.

  5. Obviously, that course is not about drawing. Censorship is bad, but can such things at least be putted into a different category? What a disgrace for the platform

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