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Designing with Rhino 3D for Beginners by Leandro Rolon


Release date:2020, March

Duration:03 h 55 m

Author:Leandro Rolon

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

This beginners level training course on designing with Rhino 3D sounds like a fantastic opportunity for individuals interested in 3D modeling. Rhino 3D is indeed a powerful software, and your course aims to make the learning process accessible and exciting for students, regardless of their previous experience with Rhino.

As an experienced architect and designer, your expertise in teaching Rhino 3D for over 10 years brings a wealth of knowledge and a fast-track teaching method to the course. By focusing on getting students excited about 3D modeling rather than overwhelming them with software complexities, you create an engaging learning environment.

Throughout the course, students will learn essential tools and techniques for creating three-dimensional models quickly. What’s remarkable is that even individuals with little to no experience in Rhino can progress to more advanced levels of modeling in just a matter of hours. This approach is particularly valuable for students or professionals in various fields such as architecture, product design, jewelry design, furniture design, automotive design, and more.

By completing the course, students will acquire the ability to apply 3D thinking to their projects and generate high-quality 3D models for production purposes, including visualization and prototyping. This skill set will undoubtedly enhance their capabilities and open up new opportunities in their respective fields.

Thank you for providing this valuable training and empowering individuals to explore the powerful world of 3D modeling with Rhino 3D. Happy modeling!

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