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Color Grading + Business Side Of Filmmaking by Tom Heiry


Release date:2024

Duration:01 h 24 m

Author:Tom Heiry

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

From Zero to Hero” offers a comprehensive journey to master color grading and the business aspects of filmmaking. This course guides you from the fundamentals to advanced techniques, empowering you to become a pro in the field. With a focus on DaVinci Resolve, you’ll learn to analyze footage, manipulate node trees, craft commercial looks, and unravel the secrets of color grading. More than just a tutorial, this course is a pathway to elevate your filmmaking skills and unleash your creative prowess in cinematic storytelling.

What You’ll Gain:

This class provides the tools to excel as a skilled color grader and filmmaker. From honing your DaVinci Resolve skills to dissecting footage and crafting professional looks, you’ll explore the essentials of color correction and grading. Dive deep into creating various cinematic styles, grasp the importance of shadows, and conclude by mastering power grades and Look-Up Tables (LUTs). By the end, you’ll possess not only technical proficiency but also a thorough understanding of the business side of filmmaking, establishing you as a versatile professional in the cinematic landscape.

Why Enroll:

Enroll in this class for a unique blend of technical mastery and industry insights. Whether you’re a novice or seeking to refine your filmmaking abilities, “From Zero to Hero” offers a structured approach to becoming a proficient color grader and filmmaker. Gain expertise in DaVinci Resolve, color grading techniques, and invaluable business acumen. This course ensures you develop both technical skills and a holistic understanding of cinematic storytelling, making it the perfect avenue to unleash your creative potential in the filmmaking realm.

Who Should Join:

This class caters to beginners passionate about filmmaking and aspiring filmmakers eager to enhance their craft. Whether you’re a content creator, videographer, or cinephile, “From Zero to Hero” delivers a comprehensive and methodical framework to master color grading and the business aspects of filmmaking. Join if you’re prepared to unlock your creative potential and leave your mark in the world of cinematic storytelling.

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