C# Fundamentals for Game Development by Jingtian Li
Release date:2023, March
Duration:10 h 59 m
Author:Jingtian Li
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
This course, the first installment of the Complete Game Development Series, is designed to assist beginners in quickly grasping coding and game development concepts. Covering all the fundamentals of C#, the course addresses essential programming principles, coding best practices, and advanced language features.
The curriculum thoroughly explains basic programming concepts such as variables, operators, containers, flow control, inputs, and functional programming. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts, including classes, constructors, destructors, protection levels, inheritance, polymorphism, and structs, are explored in depth. Advanced topics like interfaces, delegates, generics, enumerables, and data structures are also covered to ensure students have a profound understanding of C#’s inner workings, preparing them to confidently dive into game development.
Throughout the course, various challenges and text-based game projects are incorporated to illustrate general programming patterns. Projects are initially created and then refactored as new concepts are introduced, allowing students to witness the application and significance of each language feature. They are encouraged to apply these concepts further, and good programming practices are consistently introduced and applied to solidify students’ coding skills.
Upon completion of the course, students will have gained a deep understanding of C# and programming, along with strong coding skills. This course is suitable for:
- Beginners aspiring to enter game development without prior programming experience.
- Beginners seeking to commence learning programming in general.
- Programmers from other languages in need of a crash course in C#.
- Unity Developers aiming to consolidate their C# knowledge.
What happened to the mediafile cloud captcha? Its unreadable and complete gibberish. Its not used to be that way…!!!