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Beginning CUDA Programming – Zero to Hero, First Course!


Release date:2020, April

Duration:02 h 19 m

Author:Scientific Programmer™ Team

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Welcome to the inaugural CUDA programming course offered on the Udemy platform! Designed as the foundational module of the Scientific Computing Essentials master class, this course is a comprehensive introduction to NVIDIA’s CUDA parallel architecture and programming model, presented in an accessible manner for learners at various levels of expertise. Continuous updates, including additional lessons and exercises, are planned to enrich the educational experience, with new content scheduled for release every month.

Understanding CUDA:

CUDA, initially an acronym for Compute Unified Device Architecture, is NVIDIA’s pioneering parallel computing platform and application programming interface (API) model. Though the acronym has been retired, the platform continues to be known as CUDA. Certain images featured in this course are copyrighted to NVIDIA.

Course Objectives:

This course unfolds the intricacies of CUDA programming through a progressive series of examples, starting from the installation of the CUDA toolkit to coding intricacies involving blocks and threads. Key topics covered include:

  • GPU Basics:
    • Understanding the fundamentals of Graphics Processing Units (GPUs).
  • CUDA Installation:
    • A step-by-step guide to installing the CUDA toolkit for seamless development.
  • CUDA Toolkit:
    • Comprehensive exploration of the tools and resources provided by the CUDA toolkit.
  • CUDA Threads and Blocks:
    • In-depth examination of threads and blocks in various combinations for optimized programming.
  • CUDA Coding Examples:
    • Practical application through coding examples, progressing in complexity.

    Examples include:

    • Vector Addition
    • Matrix Multiplication

Innovative Learning Tools:

This course introduces the pioneering concept of online CUDA programming playgrounds, providing students with a hands-on and interactive learning experience. Those who enroll will also receive complimentary access to the interactive version of the course on the Scientific Programming School’s platform (SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMMING IO), as outlined in the bonus content section.

Live Class Lecture Series:

Addressing the need for a dynamic and engaging learning environment, a Zoom live class lecture series is being introduced. Hosted by the Scientific Programming School, these sessions will delve into various aspects of Parallel and Distributed Computing, as well as the High-Performance Computing (HPC) systems software stack. Topics covered include Slurm, PBS Pro, OpenMP, MPI, and CUDA. This live series aims to provide in-depth explanations and foster a deeper understanding of these advanced concepts.


Certain images incorporated into this course are copyrighted to NVIDIA.

Embark on this educational journey, enhance your CUDA programming skills, and delve into the realm of high-performance computing with confidence!

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