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The Client Code


Release date:2023, June

Duration:12 h 00 m

Author: School Of Motion

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

In your freelance motion design career, it’s essential to have a method for consistently finding, contacting, and landing clients. This course aims to provide you with a repeatable system that can elevate your career to the next level.

Throughout the course, you’ll learn effective strategies for identifying potential clients and nurturing leads. This includes discovering new ways to identify prospects who may be interested in your services and developing techniques to engage with them. By implementing these strategies, you’ll increase your chances of successfully landing clients and growing your freelance business.

Moreover, the course emphasizes the importance of developing a freelance philosophy that helps you thrive even in challenging and chaotic situations. This philosophy will provide you with the mindset and strategies necessary to navigate the ups and downs of freelancing, ensuring your long-term success.

Throughout the course, you’ll have the opportunity to see the system in action, allowing you to gain practical insights and learn by example. By observing how the methods and techniques are applied in real-world scenarios, you’ll be better equipped to implement them effectively in your own freelance motion design career.

By mastering this system and implementing it into your workflow, you can take significant strides towards expanding your client base, improving your lead conversion rate, and ultimately achieving greater success in your freelance motion design career.

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