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Advanced magical FX in Houdini


Release date:2022

Duration:23 h 59 m

Author:Hunter Williams

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:No

Take Your Magical FX Skills to the Next Level with Houdini
Magical FX are a staple in the world of VFX, and creating stunning and captivating effects can be a real challenge. In this advanced Houdini course, you’ll learn from seasoned VFX artist Hunter Williams as he shares his experience and techniques for creating mesmerizing magical FX for film and TV.

You’ll explore the art of conceptualizing and designing effects, and dive into the intricacies of creating energy, smoke, wisps, pulses, and more. With Hunter’s guidance, you’ll develop a deep understanding of Houdini’s powerful toolset and gain the skills needed to create stunning visual effects.

In the final weeks of the course, you’ll put your newfound knowledge to the test as you work on a comprehensive project, bringing all the pieces together to create a breathtaking scene that rivals those seen in blockbuster movies and TV shows. If you’re looking to take your VFX skills to the next level, this is the course for you.

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01. A1_Course_Introduction_2nd
02. A002_Normalization_Age_and_Curveu
03. A003_Animation_Along_Curves
04. A004_Modulo
05. A005_Twisting_Curves
06. A006_Vector_Projection
07. A007_Parametric_UVs
08. A008_Magical_Elements_Part_1
09. A009_Magical_Elements_Part_2
10. A0010_Your_Homework
11. B001_introduction_to_lightning
12. B002_lightning_setup_overiew
13. B003_main_bolt_setup
14. B004_bolt_noise
15. B005_main_bolt_hda
16. B006_secondary_bolt_setup
17. B006_secondary_hda
18. B007_setup_shot
19. B008_aovs_and_render
20. B009_comp_and_homework
21. C001
22. C002_assets
23. C003_reference_and_base_layout
24. C004_wind
25. C005_rain
26. C006_lighting_and_rendering
27. C007_comp
28. C008_speed_tree_export
29. C009_trees_deep_dive
30. C010_homework
31. D001_thruster_overview
32. D002_thruster_reference
33. D003_base_shape_setup
34. D004_ntoeye_shading
35. D005_base_shape_pt_2
36. D006_base_shape_hda
37. D007_noises_and_motion
38. D008_velocity_adjustment
39. D009_tweaks_and_adjusments
40. D010_more_tweaks_and_camera
41. D011_comp
42. D012_recap_and_homework
43. E001_energy_overview
44. E002_dissect_advect_by_volumes
45. E003_remake_advect_by_volumes
46. E004_improvements
47. E005_wedging_with_tops
48. E006_ndc_explainer
49. E007_example_part_1
50. E008_example_part_2
51. E009_homework
52. F001_shotwork_intro)
53. F002_rasterizing_energy
54. F003_electricity_in_shot
55. F004_non-divergent_velocity_field
56. F005_thruster_shot
57. F006_targeted_electricity
58. F007_electrical_archs
59. F008_lightning_impact
60. F009_bonus_kitbash_hda
61. F010_homework
62. G001_sparks_intro
63. G002_acceleration_trails
64. G003_spark_behavior_part_1
65. G004_spark_behavior_part_2
66. G005_spark_splitting
67. G006_tweaking_the_look
68. G007_adding_to_lightning_setup
69. G008_comp_and_homework
70. H001_volume_intro
71. H002_source_part1
72. H003_volume_sampling
73. H004_source_part2
74. H005_tweaking_sim
75. H006_volume_deformation_part1
76. H007_volume_deformation_part2
77. H008_rendering_refs
78. H009_thruster_smoke
79. H010_homework
80. I001_intro_to_compositing
81. I002_shot_1_comp
82. I003_shot_2_comp
83. I004_shot_3_comp
84. I005_shot_4_comp
85. I006_thruster_comp
86. I007_bonus_sapceship_energy
87. I008_emission_activation_hda
88. I009_homework
89. ending
[Rebelway] Advanced magical FX in Houdini_Subtitles.7z

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