Release date:2020, October 23
Author:Julieanne Kost
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
Adobe Photoshop, the industry standard for image editing and manipulation, is used by a full spectrum of design professionals. This course was created specifically to help designers master the most commonly used tools and techniques with the goal of removing technical barriers in order to start creating as soon as possible. Photoshop 2021 boasts even more tools and enhancements for selecting and masking images, removing distracting elements, and warping images—all while maintaining the highest-quality output. In this course, Julieanne Kost demonstrates how to efficiently work with Smart Objects and Smart Filters, distort and warp layers, work with text, create shapes, draw and edit vector paths using the pen tool, build animations, apply painterly effects, save and share libraries, and work with artboards.
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01 Welcome to the Photoshop training series
02 Replacing the contents of a Smart Object
03 Duplicating Smart Objects
04 Linked versus embedded Smart Object
05 Using Vanishing Point to paste in perspective
06 Puppet Warp
07 Perspective Warp
08 Using Liquify to reshape an image
09 Quickly applying attributes to multiple shapes
10 Using Layer Effects and Fill Layers with shapes
11 Combining Live Shapes and Smart Objects
12 Creating seamless, tiled patterns
13 Adding texture to a shape layer
14 The Curvature Pen tool
15 Pen tool basics
16 Drawing a curved path
17 Drawing a complex path
18 Pen skills in practice
19 Creating, saving, and applying layer styles
20 Adding layer styles to groups
21 Using layer comps with styles
22 How to scale layer styles
23 Casting a shadow on the ground
24 Using blend modes to unify images
25 Using blend modes to control color and tonal adjustments
26 Applying blend modes to layers and groups
27 Working with paragraph (area) type
28 Adding Adobe Fonts
29 Selecting alternate characters using the Glyph panel
30 Matching fonts
31 Adding type along a path
32 Changing the shape of a letter
33 Variable concept fonts
34 Tilt shift, iris, and field blur effects
35 Adding motion effects for spinning objects
36 Creating painterly effects using Filter Gallery
37 Adding flames to a photograph
38 Creating custom trees
39 Powerful posterization techniques
40 Creating, saving, and organizing custom brushes
41 Creating symmetrical brush strokes
42 The Mixer Brush
43 Painting along a path
44 Libraries panel essentials
45 Creating a library from a document
46 Capturing paterns, colors, gradients, and shapes from an image
47 CC Libraries linked Smart Objects
48 Sharing libraries
49 Working with Adobe Stock
50 Creating artboards
51 Adding content to artboards
52 Tips and shortcuts for artboards
53 Saving and exporting artboards
54 Creating animated GIF files
55 Creating cinemagraphs
56 Saving multiple photos at once with Image Processor
57 Basic PDF presentations in Photoshop
58 Continuing your learning with projects
[Lynda] Photoshop 2021 Essential Training – Design_Subtitles.7z
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