Release date:2021, May 8
Author:Brent Williams
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
Hi! I’m Brent, I also go by I_Am_Err00r, and thanks so much for taking a look at my first course, “Metroidvania Toolkit”; I run a solo game development company Error Free Games, am currently in development making a Metroidvania style action platformer, and wanted to share some of the knowledge I have acquired in making this popular style of genre with the rest of the game dev community.
This course is for anyone who is interested in learning the ins and outs of how to create a 2D action platformer from scratch and we will be creating everything from the ground up; throughout the entire series I will take the time to explain and provide insight on how I go about coming up with solutions and we will be building up the solution from nothing which will make understanding complicated theories with code architecture and maintenance easier to comprehend for those who are new.
In this course, I will provide solutions for the following popular features:
Horizontal Movement
Jumping and Double/Multi-Jumping
Wall Sliding/Wall Jumping
Dash/Dodge Roll
Grappling Hook
Object Pooling/Weapon Projectile System
Weapon Inventory
Scene/Room Management
Camera Movement
Mini Map/World Map
Save/Load System
Character Ability Acquisition
Enemy AI
Random Drops
Player/Enemy Health
Data Persistency within Unity
If you’re new to coding, game design, or Unity, then the initial section I provide will get you up to speed and quickly teach you the most basic ideas behind coding as well as how to work within Unity; by the end of the initial section you will have a good understanding of what the different windows in the Unity editor do, as well as an understanding of the most basic data types that are foundational for all coding languages; before we wrap up the initial section, I will show you how to ‘build’ a game and play it as an application on your computer outside of Unity.
If you have some experience coding but struggle writing your own solutions, the rest of the series focuses specifically on how to build an entire Metroidvania style action platformer with over 80 episodes teaching you how to organically come up with solutions using the tools available with Unity out of the box; I will teach code architecture and how to maintain multiple different classes depending on what scripts are communicating with each other, and because we will build this from the ground up, this approach to teaching gives you a behind the curtains look on how these games are built and the why behind more complicated theories rather than just the how.
If you are an experienced programmer, this course will save you a ton of valuable time; depending on your experience level and rate of pay per hour, this course probably costs less than half an hour of your going rate, and will definitely get you in the right direction faster on some of the more complicated solutions.
Regardless of your skill level, this course will give you a head start on creating your very own Metroidvania style game!
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01 Introduction
001 House Keeping_Course Overview_Unity Download and Install
002 Unity Editor Walkthrough
003 Introduction to Gameobjects and the Transform component
004 Building a Level and Parent_Child Relationship with Gameobjects
005 Introduction to Coding
006 How Computers Read Code
007 Writing Our First Script
008 Reviewing the Movement Script
009 How to Read API Documentation
010 Bools and Conditional Checks
011 Floats, Ints, and Trigger Colliders
012 Setting Up UI and Discussing String References
013 Using Vectors, Random Values, and Lights
014 Brief Introduction to Particle System
015 Finishing the Gameplay Loop and Building Our First Game
02 Creating a Character with Complete Movement and Animations
001 Setting Up the Foundation for Metroidvania Tools
002 Solving for Basic Movement, Else Statements, and Return Methods
003 Solving for Facing the Correct Direction and Sprinting
004 Solving for a Jump and Introduction to Layers and Raycasts
005 Allowing Multiple Jumps and Protecting Jumping While Falling
006 Limiting the Jump and Fall Speeds
007 Giving Jump More Height When Button Held
008 How to Rig a 2D Character
009 Setting Up IKs for Better Bone Control
010 Introduction to Animations, Keyframes, and Tweening
011 Using the Animator Component to Trigger Animations
012 Blend Trees and Setting up Jump_Falling Animations
013 Adding and Animating a Glide Ability
014 Coroutines and the Crouching Ability
015 Animating and Controlling the Crouch State
016 Creating a Dash Ability
017 Animating the Dash Ability
018 Wall Sliding and Wall Jumping
019 Animating and Triggering the Wall Slide
020 Refactoring Input Into One Script
03 Shooting Projectiles and Object Pooling
001 Introduction to Lists and Arrays
002 Introduction to Scriptable Objects
003 Introduction to Object Pooling System
004 Getting Started with the Weapon Script
005 Instantiating Projectiles at Barrel of Gun
006 Moving and Placing Projectiles
007 Setting Up the Weapon Aiming Component
008 Solving for Firing Projectiles Forward
009 Commenting Complicated Code and Unity Inspector Tips
010 Solving for 8 Directional Aiming
011 Aiming at Closest Target to Player
012 Adding Automatic Firing Capabilities to Weapon
013 Adding More Functionality to Object Pooler
014 Switching Weapons and Creating Second Projectile
015 Setting Up the Grappling Hook
016 Finishing the Grappling Hook
04 Level and Game Management Tools
001 Setting Up Camera Movement
002 Finishing Camera Movement, Fixing a Bug in Dash Script
003 Creating Platform Manager Script
004 Creating a Falling Platform Script and Introduction to Enums
005 One Way Platforms and On Collision Enter
006 Creating a Ladder
007 Setting Up Moving Platforms
008 Custom Editor Tools for Moving Platforms
009 Creating Wind and Water Gameobjects with Area Effectors
010 Setting Up Level Bounds and Restricting Camera Movement
011 Instantiating the Player into the Scene
012 Persisting Character Direction when Instantiating
013 Instantiating the Player into the Scene at Multiple Locations
014 Creating a Door to Switch Scenes
015 Creating a Fade Screen to Load Scenes
05 Creating and Managing a World Map and Mini-Map
001 Setting Up the Parameters for Scalable Rooms
002 Mini Map Camera and Creating Rooms for World Map
003 Creating a Player Indicator for Mini Map
004 Creating Icons for Mini Map and Setting Up Camera
005 Adding Movement to the Player Indicator
006 Mini Map Camera Follow and Clamping
007 Setting Up the World Map Display Toggle
008 Moving and Positioning the Big Map
009 Setting Up Fog of War
010 Completing Fog of War
06 Enemy AI
001 Setting Up Enemy AI and Enemy Movment
002 Turning Enemy Around on Collision and Leftward Movement
003 Preventing Enemy from Falling and Turning Around on Holes
004 Rotating and Moving Enemies Around Platforms
005 Rotating and Moving Enemies Around Platforms Part 2
006 Rotating and Moving Enemies Around Platforms Part 3
007 Solving for Enemy Jumping
008 Creating Flying Movement and Player Detector
009 Setting Up Everything for Melee Attacks
010 Setting Up Everything for Projectile Attacks
07 Health, Damage, Pickups, Ability Acquisition, and Save_Load System
001 Setting Up Health, Damage, and Player Invulnerability State
002 Setting Up Projectile Damage and Random Drops
003 Item Pickups and Creating Health Items
004 Creating a Player Health Bar
005 Acquiring Abilities Through Pickups
006 Refining Player Damage and Creating an Out of Bounds System
007 Setting Up Player Death
008 Setting Up Basic Pause Menu to Navigate UI Screens
009 Setting Up Save_Load System and Title Screen
010 Final Episode_Finishing Up Save_Load System
08 Supplemental Learning
001 Jump Refinement
002 Ledge Climbing
[Udemy] Metroidvania Toolkit Make a 2D Action Platformer in Unity.7z
[Udemy] Metroidvania Toolkit Make a 2D Action Platformer in Unity_Subtitles.7z
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