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Portrait of a girl in Watercolor by Victoria Akulova (Портрет девушки. Акварель – Russian, Eng sub)


Release date:2023

Duration:04 h 35 m

Author:Victoria Akulova

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Thank you for the kind words! We are excited to offer you this beautiful and artistically enriching lesson with the talented artist Victoria Akulova.

In this lesson, we will observe and actively participate in drawing a portrait of a peasant girl who users choose during voting in our social networks. Throughout the first hour, we will analyze and discuss two well-constructed images, create a black and white sketch, and delve into critical aspects such as composition, tone relationships, and background considerations. Additionally, we will focus on achieving a strong likeness in the portrait.

During the central part of the lesson, we will dive into the fascinating world of watercolor painting and bring the portrait to life with colors. You will learn valuable techniques, like alla prima, and master the art of working with fills and gradients.

Throughout this training, our primary goal is to help you grasp the essential aspects of portraiture. You will learn what details to emphasize and which can be omitted, leading to a captivating and lifelike portrayal of the subject’s emotions and facial expressions.

By the end of the lesson, you will have the confidence and skill to create a step-by-step portrait of a person, capturing their unique essence on paper.

Join us in this delightful journey of artistic expression and masterful portrait creation. Enroll now, and let’s explore the captivating world of portraiture together!

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