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Pop Culture Character Painting in Photoshop


Release date:2023

Duration:05 h 38 m

Author:Sam Gilbey

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Bring your favorite movie character to life by learning how to paint a realistic digital portrait from scratch
In this online course, digital artist Sam Gilbey, known for his work with clients like Empire Records, Paramount Pictures, Universal Studios, and Marvel, shares his passion for pop culture by guiding you through the process of creating cinematic portraits of your favorite film characters. With step-by-step instruction, Sam will teach you how to use Photoshop’s tools to bring painterly portraits to life, allowing you to capture the essence of your favorite character in a striking and visually captivating way. Join Sam on this artistic journey and learn how to create stunning digital art that pays homage to your favorite movies and characters.

What will you learn in this online course?
Welcome to the course with Sam Gilbey! Get to know Sam and his creative journey as a full-time artist specializing in painterly portraits and pop culture. Learn about the artists who have inspired him throughout his career.

Get an overview of what to expect from the course, and set up your workstation in Photoshop. Sam will walk you through the different brush types and show you how to create light, shadow, and depth in your portraits. Choose a reference image for your painting and create the initial sketch and background.

It’s time to start digitally painting! Begin by blocking out the main areas of the face, hair, and clothing using large brushes. Sam will then guide you through incorporating smaller details, light, and shadow, gradually moving towards more detailed brushes. Learn how to finish the background to give your piece a cinematic feel and enhance its atmosphere.

Discover how to add effects and texture step by step to make your portrait truly stand out. Complete your painting by adding the final details and color grading to achieve the desired look. Sam will also share his tips on exporting your work and sharing it on social media.

Join Sam on this artistic journey and learn how to create stunning cinematic portraits of your favorite characters using Photoshop’s tools and techniques. Get ready to bring your digital art to life and share it with the world!

What is this course’s project?
Create an illustration of your favorite movie character in Photoshop.

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