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Adobe Illustrator Graphic Design for Beginners (Spanish, Eng sub)


Release date:2022

Author:Gilian Gomes

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Learn the fundamental tools to create graphic pieces like a professional

Discover the endless possibilities graphic design offers by exploring Adobe Illustrator’s full potential. Learn, step by step, how to apply the tools and techniques most used by professionals like Gilian Gomes, designer and illustrator who relies on this software to create strong and meaningful design concepts.

In this 6-course Domestika Basics, see how to master Illustrator in a simple way. Immerse yourself in the universe of illustration, logos, and icons, and learn with practical exercises how to use each tool to design professional graphic pieces.

To begin, explore the main features and tools in Illustrator. Create your first document, get to know the program’s interface, and learn how to manipulate basic features, such as guides and layers.

In the second course, Gilian shows you how to work with preset, geometric, and free shapes. See how to organize, align, transform, and merge objects, and learn how to work with rounded corners, outlines, and other features.

In the next course, discover how a special color combination can make a big difference in the outcome of your project. See the different color modes, how to apply and modify them, and learn about gradients.

Next, Gilian explains how designers communicate their messages through words. Learn how to use text as a design resource, understanding the best practices and the main Illustrator tools.

The fifth course is very practical, in it you start to assemble a graphic piece. Also, start creating the first logo and label for your portfolio.

In the final phase of this Domestika Basics, learn how to share your designs. Review the latest guidelines for exporting your files for printing or digital publication.

Technical requirements
⦁ Basic graphic design knowledge is recommended but not required.
⦁ A computer with Adobe Illustrator installed (you can download the trial version of the software from Adobe’s website and use it for 7 days).

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C1. Conoce tus herramientas
C1_U1. Presentación

C1A1 Apresentacao_EDICION

C1_U2. Creando tu primer documento

C1A2 Criando seu primeiro documento_EDICION

C1_U3. Conociendo tu interfaz

C1A3 Conhecendo sua interface_EDICION

C1_U4. Configurar su espacio de trabajo

C1A4 Configurando seu espaco de trabalho_EDICION

C1_U5. Mesas de trabajo y capas

C1A5 Panchetas e camadas_EDICION

C1_U6. Consejos básicos_ líneas de guía, zoom y movimiento de la pantalla


C1_U7. Diferencia entre vector y pincel

C1A7 Diferenca entre vetor e pixel_EDICION

C1_U8. Práctica

C1A8 Pratica_EDICION

C2. Formas, un mundo de posibilidades en tu pantalla
C2_U1. Formas Geométricas y agrupaciones

C2A1 Formas geometricas e agrupamentos_EDICION

C2_U2. Organizar, alinear y distribuir

C2A2 Organizar alinhar e distribuir_EDICION

C2_U3. Duplicar y transformar

C2A3 Duplicar e transformar_EDICION

C2_U4. Esquinas redondeadas, contornos (trazos) y transparencia


C2_U5. Pathfinder

C2A5 Pathfinder_EDICION

C2_U6. Formas libres

C2A6 Formas livres_EDICION

C2_U7. Mezcla

C2A7 Mesclagem_EDICION

C2_U8. Máscara de recorte y símbolos de biblioteca


C2_U9. Práctica

C2A9 Pratica_EDICION

C3. Da vida a tus diseños
C3_U1. Modos de color

C3A1 Modos de cor_EDICION

C3_U2. Paneles y biblioteca

C3A2 Paneis e biblioteca_EDICION

C3_U3. Cuentagotas y gradientes

C3A3 Conta gotas e gradientes_EDICION

C3_U4. Recolorear arte

C3A4 Recolorir arte_EDICION

C3_U5. Práctica

C3A5 Pratica_EDICION

C4. Expresa tus actividades con palabras
C4_U1. Creando textos

C4A1 Criando textos_EDICION

C4_U2. Caracter y párrafo

C4A2 Caractere e paragrafo_EDICION

C4_U3. Espaciado (Kerning)

C4A3 Espacamento kerning_EDICION

C4_U4. Texto dentro del formulario

C4A4 Texto dentro de forma_EDICION

C4_U5. Texto alineado con la ruta

C4A5 Texto alinhado ao caminho_EDICION

C4_U6. Práctica

C4A6 Pratica_EDICION

C5. Descrubre tu estilo
C5_U1. Insertar archivos

C5A1 Inserindo arquivos_EDICION

C5_U2. Traza de imagen (Traza)

C5A2 Tracado da imagem trace_EDICION

C5_U3. Vectorización de leyendas

C5A3 Vetorizando letterings_EDICION

C5_U4. Ilustración vectorial (con estudio de varios factores)

C5A4 Ilustracao vectorial_EDICION

C5_U5. Crear un logotipo con un símbolo (usando Shape Builder)

C5A5 Criando um logotipo com simbolo_EDICION

C5_U6. Buenas prácticas de diseño gráfico

C5A6 Boas praticas de design grafico_EDICION

C5_U7. Práctica

C5A7 Pratica_EDICION

C6. Muestra tu trabajo al mundo
C6_U1. Archivos Imprimibles

C6A1 Arquivos para impressao_EDICION

C6_U2. Guardar en PDF

C6A2 Salvando em pdf_EDICION

C6_U3. Archivos web

C6A3 Arquivos para web_EDICION

C6_U4. Práctica

C6A4 Pratica_EDICION

[Domestika] Adobe Illustrator Graphic Design for Beginners (Spanish, Eng sub)_Subtitles.7z
[Domestika] Adobe Illustrator Graphic Design for Beginners.7z

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