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C4D High quality shading & lighting completed with redshift by Yeseong Kim (Korean, Eng Sub)


Release date:2021

Author:Yeseong Kim

Skill level:Intermediate


Exercise files:Yes

Find out how you can create out-of-this-world quality images with Redshift, the world’s most powerful renderer!

Learn rendering techniques from 3D Artist Yeseong Kim, perform detailed shadings with nodes, lower the rendering time, raise the quality with render optimization, and learn the industry standard ACES Workflow.

Class Details – You’ll Learn

Redshift Fundamentals and the ACES Workflow
Not only will you learn about more advanced features, but also basic features that are easy to miss—for a clearer understanding of the fundamentals of Redshift. Plus, learn the ACES workflow, the industry standard that has replaced the sRGB workflow.

Study Over 30 Shaders
Through this class, you will use over 30 types of shaders. There are the basic diffuse, reflection, refraction shaders, and texture maps, but you will also learn about the SSS feature, anisotropy, coating, and how to use nodes in Redshift to get a full understanding of shaders.

Getting Familiar with Nodes
Get familiar with the seemingly difficult features such as User Data, Fresnel, State, Camera Projection, and Math through sample exercises.

Boost Image Quality with Lighting
Discover where, how, and why we place certain lighting and solidify your knowledge through practice exercise., Experience the impact of lighting on work quality.

Efficient High-Quality Rendering Methods
We will teach you everything from sampling to noise reduction optimization, and final output settings for an ACES workflow.

Full Rundown: From Design to Post-Production
We will cover 3 design exercises consisting of 15 different shots to help you learn how to make more detailed images. From designing to post-correction, you’ll go through the entire workflow.

Yeseong Kim 3D Artist

Hello, I am 3D Artist Yeseong Kim. I’m a self-taught 3D artist, currently working for Tendril Studio, a well-known company in the motion design industry.

During my time at Tendril Studio, I’ve worked with various brands such as Microsoft, Adobe, and ESPN, and I have also been in charge of designs, look development and lighting. This class is for those who have a grasp on the general workflow but are frustrated with the quality of their results and professional projects, and those who can’t figure out which area of skills they lack,

Since I also learned Redshift all by myself, I understand how frustrating and helpless it feels. That is why I want to teach you practical Redshift techniques and tips and tricks I learned from my personal experience.


높은 퀄리티의 이미지를
빠르게 렌더링하는
최고의 방법

3D 작업을 하고 있지만
막상 렌더링을 할 때면
익숙한 기능들만 반복 사용하고
이미지 퀄리티도 오르지 않아 답답하신가요?

수 많은 폴리가 뒤섞인 대규모 렌더,
전에 없던 새로운 셰이딩 제작,
라이팅의 샘플값 조절 등
섬세한 기술로 수준 높은 룩을 만들 수 있는
현존 최강 렌더러 ‘레드시프트’로
답답함을 해결하세요!

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  1. hello.

    i didnt know on what post to request on so i chose to do it on the latest coloso course upload

    i feel weird requesting because you already work so hard to upload all these courses

    i would like this course please

    thank you

  2. There is no project files, very bad without project files.
    Must need project files to complete course good. Without, no good.

    Please upload course files

  3. I would like this course, if it’s possible:
    Thank you for the excelent site!


    If possible please upload this course. Thank you so much!!

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