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Video made with a cell phone, a record of precious time by Sueddu (Korean, Eng Spa sub)


Release date:2023


Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:No

Hello Shuttle, it’s great to hear about your YouTube class on creating everyday life videos using a smartphone and the Vllo app! Your approach to making video production accessible to everyone, even without expensive equipment or advanced editing programs, is commendable.

Recording videos of everyday life can be a meaningful and enjoyable way to capture precious moments and create lasting memories. By teaching people how to use their smartphones and the Vllo app, you’re empowering them to easily and quickly create beautiful videos without extensive supplies or technical expertise.

The fact that you learned video production through trial and error, without formal training, adds authenticity and relatability to your teaching style. It shows that anyone can learn to create compelling videos of their daily lives with passion and dedication.

Your class offers a range of valuable skills, including shooting techniques, editing with the Vllo app, and storytelling. By emphasizing the importance of writing a story before shooting, you encourage students to think about their videos’ narrative structure and purpose, resulting in more engaging and cohesive content.

In addition to basic editing skills, you provide insights on incorporating elements such as intros, background music, and subtitles to add personal flair and capture one’s unique style. These additional skills enable students to create videos reflecting their personality and creativity.

Using the Vllo app as the primary tool in your class makes it accessible to a wide range of learners. It’s user-friendly interface and comprehensive features make it an ideal choice for beginners who want to edit videos without feeling overwhelmed by complex programs.

By offering this class, you’re teaching practical skills and inspiring individuals who have yet to be hesitant to start their video journey. Your emphasis on creating beautiful everyday videos with just a smartphone and a free app opens up new possibilities for those who may have thought video production was beyond their reach.

Best of luck with your YouTube class, and may you continue to empower and inspire others to capture and share their everyday moments through the art of video!

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