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Portrait Drawing With Colored Pencils With Hantograph (Korean, Eng sub)


Release date:2023

Duration:12 h 27 m


Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Your approach of focusing on colors and providing step-by-step guidance for beginners is sure to be helpful. Here are a few suggestions to enhance your class even further:

  • Engaging Introduction: Start your class with a captivating introduction. Share a personal story or experience that highlights the magic of colored pencils and why you’re passionate about teaching this art form. This will help connect with your audience on a more emotional level.
  • Interactive Elements: Consider incorporating interactive elements into your class, such as polls, quizzes, or challenges. This will keep your audience engaged and encourage active participation.
  • Demo Videos: Since your class is focused on visual art, including demo videos where you show the process of creating a colored pencil portrait can be incredibly valuable. Visual learners will appreciate seeing your techniques in action.
  • Materials List: Provide a detailed list of the colored pencils, paper, and any other supplies that your students will need. This will help them gather everything they need before the class starts.
  • Troubleshooting and Tips: Alongside sharing techniques, offer solutions for common challenges that students might face. For instance, if someone struggles with blending, provide tips on how to achieve smoother transitions between colors.
  • Q&A Sessions: Allocate time for Q&A sessions during or at the end of each class. This will give students a chance to clarify doubts, seek personalized advice, and interact with you directly.
  • Assignments and Critiques: Assign small drawing exercises or projects for your students to practice what they’ve learned. Encourage them to share their work with the class, and if possible, provide constructive feedback.
  • Encourage Creativity: While teaching techniques is important, also emphasize the importance of creativity and personal style. Encourage your students to experiment with different approaches and make the techniques their own.
  • Guest Artist Sessions: If possible, consider inviting other skilled colored pencil artists for guest sessions. This can provide your students with diverse perspectives and techniques.
  • Resource Materials: Compile a list of recommended books, online tutorials, and resources that your students can refer to for further learning and inspiration.

Remember, the goal is to make learning enjoyable and accessible. Providing a supportive and encouraging environment will motivate your students to continue practicing and improving their colored pencil skills. Best of luck with your class, and I hope it becomes a great success!

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0 Intro

1 Class introduction
2 Meet Your Instructor
3 What you need to prepare for the class

1 Being Familiar With Colored Pencil

1 Various colors of colored pencils and basic tips
2 How to draw neatly with colored pencils
3 How to draw smoothly with colored pencils

2 A sketch that underlies a picture

1 The basics of pencil drawing and line practice
2 Sketching a face while understanding proportions
3 Good tips for practicing sketching

3 Drawing Features of The Human Face

1 Learn how to draw the eyes and understand the tone
2 Learn how to draw eyelashes and eyebrows
3 Learn how to draw the nose
4 Learn how to draw the lips
5 Understand the skin tone
6 Light skin tone

4 Draw Realistic Hair

1 Sketching hair and the basics of coloring
2 Long and straight hair
3 Rich wavy hair
5 Natural hairline and baby hair

5 A Dreamy Character Who Seems to Tell a Story

1 Sketching a face with no expression
2 Skin tone for a face with no expression
3 Drawing facial features
4 Smooth black hair and finishing off

6 A Person With a Cool Color and a Big Smile

1 Sketching a face with smile
2 Skin tone for a face with smile
3 Drawing lovely facial features
4 Blue short hair and finishing off

7 A Person With a Warm Color and Learn to Create Realistic Textures

1 Sketching a beautiful face
2 Skin tone for face with freckles
3 Drawing facial features
4 Red curly hair and finishing off


1 Congrats

[Class101] Portrait Drawing With Colored Pencils With Hantograph (Korean, Eng sub)_Subtitles.7z

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