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Acquire light, shadow, and textural expressions to draw persuasive illustrations by Haku (Japanese, Eng sub)


Release date:2023

Duration:05 h 42 m


Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

This class responds to and resolves such thoughts and concerns,[Acquire basic skills to draw persuasive pictures and achieve further improvement by rebuilding the foundation] Digital illustration course That’s it.

It is a practical class where beginners in digital illustration can acquire basic knowledge of painting and digital illustration techniques, and intermediate students can dramatically rank up the finish of illustrations.

It’s not a tiny hand technique, but I explain why I draw that way and what perspective I observe from, and I try to create a curriculum that will surely help the students.

Why don’t you learn to draw illustrations with the finish you want in this class?

Practice drawing, learn the mechanism of “light and shadow,” and acquire [ability to draw spatially]
In this class, we first practice basic drawing, and then understand the mechanism of light and shadow. I will draw simple illustrations based on my acquired knowledge and skills.

Once you understand and imagine the mechanism of light and shadow, you can create your favorite light on the screen.

What size is the light source, how many are there, what kind of reflected light is produced…

Control light and shadow are possible; you can visually explain the image you want to convey in the picture and detailed settings such as the time of day and season.

In this way, we will proceed with the course with ingenuity so that you can understand the mechanism of light and shadow in an easy-to-understand manner.

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