Cinema 4D Animation by Alexei Brin (Russian, Eng sub)
Release date:2023, August
Duration:02 h 00 m
Author:Alexei Brin
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
The training material is designed for beginners and people with up to six months of experience; you should be familiar with the types of keys (spline, linear) and distinguish one from the other.
If you had to write a promotional text, it would be like this:
This course is a unique chance for those who want to learn advanced animation techniques in the popular Cinema 4D software. The course includes practical exercises that will help you learn how to create high-quality animation!
And if, without any enticements, and more specifically:
This is not about “12 streams of animation” in a new cover, lecture material built on the basis of Chinese techniques, refinement of “basic” animation to a more “live” one.
Of course, there will be no talk about Motion Track, a focus on timings, isings, and the step-by-step organization of the hierarchy of objects.
To focus on the chosen theme without being distracted by rendering and materials, the scenes themselves will be simplified as much as possible.