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Water Explosion in Houdini


Release date:2023, August

Duration:14 h 47 m

Author:Andrii Zamorskyi

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

This step-by-step guide takes you through various aspects of creating both small and large-scale water explosions, ranging in type and complexity.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Particle and Volumetric Simulations Mastery: Seamlessly combine particle simulation and volume simulation to elevate your skills in crafting realistic water explosions.
  2. In-Depth Understanding of FLIP Simulations: Deepen your expertise in FLIP simulation techniques, crucial for creating high-quality explosion effects in game cinematics and movies.
  3. Caching Practices: Learn to save and utilize caches effectively, optimizing your workflow for handling complex explosions.
  4. Basic workflow with Nuke: Split and assemble explosion elements using Nuke, mastering the art of compositing. While Nuke is utilized, the techniques apply to any familiar compositing software.
  5. Mantra Rendering Skills: Explore rendering layers (AOVs) using Mantra, catering to various needs and nuances of the simulation.

3-Part Detailed Learning Modules:

  • Part 1: Dive into the basic explosion setup, focusing on source creation, a vital component in explosion simulation. Learn to set up FLIP and PYRO simulations and finalize the render.
  • Part 2: Reproduce a large-scale nuclear explosion using an optimized setup from the first blast to save resources (using TOP).
  • Part 3: Explore different types of explosions with minor modifications to your existing setup.

Target Audience: This lesson is designed for students with pre-existing skills in Houdini, offering a tailored learning experience for those eager to explore particle simulation, volume simulation, Pyro, Mantra, and Nuke techniques in more depth. Whether you’re aiming to create a nuclear explosion for a blockbuster film or refine your understanding of large-scale explosion dynamics, this tutorial series equips you with the knowledge and tools needed.

Explore the power of Houdini 19 and unlock your artistic potential with these in-depth tutorials designed to enhance your skills in the field of visual effects.

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