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After Effects Guru Work Faster and Boost Performance


Release date:2018, May 22

Duration:02 h 58 m

Author:Richard Harrington

Skill level:Intermediate


Exercise files:Yes

Every Adobe After Effects user could benefit from having more time at their disposal. As you build motion graphics and special effects, your computer has to work hard. The choices you make greatly impact how long your computer takes to build these effects, as well as the results you’ll ultimately get. In this course, learn important strategies that can help you render faster and work less. Explore how to use render settings templates and output modules, render with Adobe Media Encoder, create and save RAM previews, set up a network render, and more.

Topics include:

  • Creating custom render settings templates and output module templates
  • Rendering with transparency
  • Tips for working with Adobe Media Encoder
  • Setting RAM usage
  • Controlling cache size
  • Using a disk cache
  • Setting the work area in After Effects
  • Choices that impact how long it takes to build a preview or a render
  • Creating a render farm
Table of Contents

0. Introduction
Welcome 2m 19s
Exercise files 1m 3s
1. Render Settings and Output Modules
Using render settings templates 4m 48s
Creating custom render settings templates 6m 17s
Sharing render settings templates 4m 4s
Using output module templates 3m 37s
Creating custom output module templates 8m 18s
Sharing output module templates 2m 16s
Setting the default render and output settings 4m 14s
Using multiple output modules 5m 33s
Render with transparency 8m 22s
2. Rendering with Adobe Media Encoder (AME)
Sending items to AME for background rendering 4m 8s
Creating custom output templates 7m 54s
Advice for working with Adobe Media Encoder 9m 42s
3. Controlling RAM
Setting RAM usage 3m 30s
Controlling cache size 2m 45s
Purging RAM 2m 52s
Using performance disk cache 2m 22s
Checking processor and RAM details 5m 44s
4. Controlling Disk and Media Cache
Using a disk cache 4m 59s
Choosing the right drive for your cache 5m 27s
The role of conformed media cache 2m 35s
Cleaning the media cache database and drives periodically 3m 30s
5. Effective Preview Strategies
Creating RAM previews 5m 46s
Saving RAM previews 2m 23s
Setting the work area 2m 11s
Using the region of interest 3m 21s
6. Strategies That Impact Render Time
Controlling composition settings 4m 58s
Adjusting motion blur 5m 29s
Using proxy files 3m 59s
Use adjustment layers 4m 26s
Collecting files 3m 50s
Render and email 3m 12s
Re-rendering 1m 57s
Including a project link 3m 55s
Post-render actions 1m 49s
Render and replace dynamic linked compositions 5m 6s
7. Creating a Render Farm
What is network rendering? 8m 4s
Setting up a watch folder 3m 47s
Creating a still image sequence with multiple machines 6m 20s
Next steps 1m 15s

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