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Adobe Illustrator for Childrens Books Watercolor Style


Release date:2018

Duration:01 h 16 m

Author:Moy Lobito

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

In this course you will learn how to easily create beautiful illustrations in Adobe Illustrator in very little time and with very little effort. You will create a watercolor style illustration that you can use to illustrate children’s books or for any other purpose you need it.

We will use a variety of techniques that will help you save lots of time in this and any other project you work in the future.

You will learn how to plan out, outline, and paint beautiful and professional illustrations in Adobe Illustrator.

This course focuses on creating the illustration you can see in the promo video, but you can use the techniques you learn here to create many other illustrations.

Iā€™m confident that by the end of this course you will have a solid understanding of the children’s book illustration creation process, and you will be able to create your own beautiful and astonishing 2D illustrations.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction 0:50
2. 5 key picture book characteristics 4:22
3. Blocking in the character Head line art 10:09
4. Head line art details Adding hair 4:49
5. Blocking in the character Body line art 6:55
6. Blocking in the character Hands and feet line art 5:12
7. Spaceship line art 6:42
8. Blocking in the caterpillar Body line art 10:23
9. Refining the line art 5:43
10. Painting the sun 3:55
11. Adding shadows 3:01
12. Adding color and shading 6:57
13. Adding highlights 1:45
14. Final touches 5:19

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