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Unity C# Programming – Ultimate Guide to Game Scripting 2024 by Andreas Metz


Release date:2023, October

Duration:18 h 51 m

Author:Andreas Metz

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Start Programming Professional Code for Your Games

If you want to create your first games, Unity Engine and C# are the right tools for the job. Unity Engine is used by many successful indie and triple-A titles, and this course is the best way to get a fundamental understanding of Unity and the C# programming language.

Create Games the Way You Imagine Them

Most hobby game developers struggle with the programming aspect of their games and are thus limited in the mechanics they can implement. My goal is to unleash your creative freedom by giving you the tools you need to code the games you want with Unity and C#.

By the end of this course, you will have programmed at least a console game, an obstacle course, and a shoot ’em up. I am a devout follower of a practical approach to programming, so this course will be primarily project-based. You won’t just learn dry theory and forget everything within a matter of days; instead, you’ll apply the learned concepts with practical exercises and projects within Unity Engine and C#.

What Makes Me Qualified to Teach You?

My name is Andreas Metz, and I have a Master’s Degree in Science for educating Computer Science & Psychology. I have been teaching game programming with Unity and C# for more than 10 years, and as a result, I have plenty of experience in what works and what doesn’t when it comes to learning how to code.

My Promise to You

This course will be demanding. Programming is not an easy topic, but if you stick to it and do the exercises and projects yourself, you will acquire an excellent understanding of the Unity Engine and have the skills to implement your own 2D games.

What Is This Unity C# Course All About?

In this course, you’ll not only learn the essentials of C# and Unity but also how to code with the mindset of a professional game programmer.

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[Udemy] Unity C# Programming – Ultimate Guide to Game Scripting 2024 by Andreas Metz
01. Introduction

01. Introduction
02. Installing Unity and Visual Studio
03. (Optional) Troubleshooting Unity and VS Installation
04. My first Unity-Game Flappy Nerd 1
05. My first Unity-Game Flappy Nerd 2

02. Variables – Basics

01. Visual Scripting
02. Programming Basics
03. Variable Basics
04. Creating our first Variable
05. Important Datatypes in practice
06. Naming Conventions
07. Code Readability
08. Exercise 1 Variable – Basics
09. Variable Uniqueness

03. Working with Variables

01. Basic Operators
02. Evaluation of Commands
03. Special Operators
04. Working with Strings
05. Comments and Regions
06. Console Input
07. Exercise 2 Working with Variables

04. Variables – Advanced

01. Converting Datatypes
02. Optional Explicit vs Implicit Conversion + Casting
03. Random Numbers
04. Optional Swapping Variables
05. Exercise 3 Variables – Advanced
06. Project Pokemon Fight – Description
07. Project Pokemon Fight – Solution

05. If Statements

01. If Statements Intro
02. If Statements in C#
03. Conditions
04. if-else
05. else if
06. Combining Conditions
07. Exercise 4 If Statements
08. (optional) Switch – Statements
09. Project Choose your own Adventure
10. Project Choose your own Adventure – Solution

06. Loops

01. Loops Intro
02. While Loops
03. Break & Continue
04. Endless Loops
05. For Loops
06. Exercise – Basic Loops
07. Project Interactive Pokemon Fight
08. Advanced Nested Loops
09. Advanced Do-While Loops

07. Collections

01. Intro to Collections
02. Arrays
03. Lists
04. Exercise – Basic Collections
05. Advanced 2D Arrays
06. Advanced Dictionaries
07. Advanced Foreach Loops
08. Summary – Collections

08. Functions

01. Intro
02. Function Basics
03. Naming Conventions and Miniexercise
04. Parameters
05. Optional Parameters
06. Parameters Exercise
07. Return Values
08. Exercise – Return Values
09. Mid Course Congrats

09. Shortcuts & Utility

01. Intro
02. Rename
03. Shortcuts Autoindent, Comments
04. Debugging Console Applications
05. Using the Documentation

10. Unity Introduction

01. Table of Content
02. What is a Game Engine
03. Editor Overview
04. Basic Tools and Shortcuts
05. Scenes, GameObjects and Components
06. Importing Images
07. Basic Physics Rigidbody2D and Collider2D
08. Collisionlayers
09. Camerasettings
10. Project Structure

11. Basic Scripting in Unity

01. Intro to Scripting
02. Simple Objectmovement via Transform
03. Reading Input in Unity
04. Multiple Instances of a script
05. Update() vs FixedUpdate()
06. Variables in Unity
07. Optional Static Variables
08. Accessing other Components on the same GameObject
09. Caching Variables
10. Accessing other GameObjects
11. FinalPlayerMovement
12. Project – Obstacle Course
13. Downloading and opening a Unity-Project
14. Prefabs
15. Instantiating Objects
16. Reacting to Collisions
17. Triggers
18. Basic Sound
19. Exercise – Fling poop
20. Building a Game
21. Optional Common Pitfalls in Unity

12. Unity Intermediate

01. Section Overview
02. Loading new Scenes
03. Namespaces
04. Timers
05. Cooldowns
06. Knockback
07. Script Execution Order, Awake vs Start

13. User Interface

01. Basics
02. Text, Inputfield
03. UIManagers & Panels
04. Images and Cooldowns
05. Buttons
06. Sliders
07. Scaling with Screensize – Canvas
08. Scaling with Screen size – Anchors
09. Creating a Healthbar with a World-Space Canvas
10. Project Shoot em Up

14. Unity – Advanced

01. Intro
02. Vector Basics
03. Vectors in Unity
04. Vector Length
05. Move towards Objects
06. Follow Player and FindObjectOfType
07. Shoot towards Mouse
08. Null Check if a variable is empty
09. Exercise Citydefender – Vectors
10. 2D – Rotations in Unity
11. Pivot Points
12. World Space vs Local Space
13. Animated Rotations
14. Exercise Rotating Monkey
15. Thank you

15. Additional Material

01. Student Project Review
02. Overview – Implementing Steam Remote Play together

16. Old Content

01. Creating Timers in Unity
02. Raycasting 1
03. Raycasting 2
04. Referencing other Scripts

[Udemy] Unity C# Programming – Ultimate Guide to Game Scripting 2024 by Andreas Metz.7z

[Udemy] Unity C# Programming – Ultimate Guide to Game Scripting 2024 by Andreas Metz_Subtitles (2).7z

[Udemy] Unity C# Programming – Ultimate Guide to Game Scripting 2024 by Andreas Metz_Subtitles.7z

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