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Learn how to create a 2D Action game with Unity 2023 by Gianny Dantas


Release date:2023, November

Duration:17 h 54 m

Author:Gianny Dantas

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Unity Game Development: Soul Knight-Style Game

Course Overview:

Welcome to the dynamic realm of game development with Unity! This comprehensive Udemy course will guide you through the exciting process of creating a game in the style of Soul Knight using Unity, a robust game development platform.

Course Highlights:

  • State-based AI System (FSM):
    • Explore and implement a state-based Artificial Intelligence (AI) system using Finite State Machines (FSM).
  • Master Scriptable Objects:
    • Gain proficiency in utilizing Scriptable Objects to enhance modularity and flexibility in your game development.
  • Design a Weapon System:
    • Create a dynamic and customizable weapon system for your game to enhance gameplay.
  • Create Custom Dungeons:
    • Develop custom dungeons to add complexity and variety to your game environment.
  • Create Enemies:
    • Implement enemy characters with unique behaviors and interactions.
  • Create Boss:
    • Design and integrate powerful boss characters to challenge players.
  • Create Players:
    • Craft engaging player characters with distinct abilities and characteristics.
  • Design UI:
    • Develop an intuitive and visually appealing User Interface (UI) for an enhanced gaming experience.
  • Use Tilemaps:
    • Learn the effective use of tilemaps to create intricate and visually appealing game levels.
  • Good Programming Practices:
    • Embrace and implement good programming practices to ensure the efficiency and maintainability of your code.

Why Choose This Course:

  • Accessible to All Skill Levels:
    • Designed for beginners and experienced developers alike, this course provides clear instructions and a logical structure for effective learning.
  • Practical Implementation:
    • Gain hands-on experience by creating a Soul Knight-style game, allowing you to apply the principles learned throughout the course.
  • Deep Understanding of Unity:
    • Develop a profound understanding of Unity’s fundamental principles and learn how to implement them effectively.
  • Unlock Game Development Skills:
    • Acquire valuable insights and practical skills to empower you to create captivating game experiences.

Embark on an exciting journey of game development with Unity! Whether you’re a novice or an experienced developer, this course is your gateway to unlocking the potential of Unity and creating engaging game content. Get ready to bring your game development ideas to life!

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01. Introduction

01. Introduction
02. Join our Discord Server

02. Player

01. Introduction
02. Create Project
03. Player Movement
04. Player Dash
05. Add Rotation
06. Animations
07. Challenge Complete Animations

03. Player Configuration

01. Introduction-Player Config
02. Player Scriptable Object
03. Player Health
04. Player Energy
05. Player Ui
06. Ui Manager

04. Create Dungeons

01. Introduction-Dungeon Creation
02. Structure Dungeon
03. Create Rooms
04. Create 2C Rooms
05. Complete Rooms
06. Create Corridors
07. Build Dungeon
08. Create Doors
09. Add Props

05. Generate Dungeons

01. Introduction-Gen Dungeons
02. Review Templates
03. Store Templates
04. Get Tiles
05. Load Templates
06. Add Doors
07. Challenge Complete Rooms
08. Close Doors
09. Instantiate Dungeons
10. Load Dungeons
11. Position Player
12. Add Fade

06. Weapons

01. Introduction-Weapons
02. Configure Weapons
03. Create Weapons
04. Add Animations
05. Equip and Rotate Weapon
06. Shoot Gun
07. Use Energy
08. Melee Weapon
09. ITakeDamage Interface

07. Pick Items

01. Introduction-Items Pick-up
02. Create Chest
03. Pickable Items
04. Pick Up Weapons
05. Change Weapons
06. Show Item Name
07. Show Weapon Name
08. Chest Items
09. Game Manager
10. Singleton Pattern

08. Main Scene

01. Introduction-Main Scene
02. Create Main Scene
03. Create Selectable Players
04. Instantiate Players
05. Player Selection UI
06. Load Player Config
07. Select Player
08. Coin and Upgrade
09. Update Bars
10. Load Dungeon
11. UI Manager

09. Cinemachine

01. Add Cinemachine
02. Follow Player

10. Enemies

01. Introduction-Enemies
02. Create Enemy Prefabs
03. Enemy Health
04. Detect Enemy
05. Enemy in Line of Sight
06. Create AI System
07. Random Wander
08. Detect Obstacles
09. Instantiate Enemies
10. Tile Wander
11. Detect Player
12. Decision Player in Sight
13. Refactor Player Weapon
14. Enemy Weapon
15. Attack Player
16. Deal Damage
17. Rotate Weapon
18. Sword Weapon

11. Complete Rooms

01. Introduction-Complete Rooms
02. Enemy Killed Event
03. Create Chest in Room
04. Weapon UI
05. Health and Mana Potions
06. Base Bonus
07. Energy and Coin Bonus
08. Damage Text
09. Defeat Player

12. Boss

01. Create Boss
02. Boss Circle Pattern
03. Boss Random Pattern
04. Create Portal
05. Expand your Game

[Udemy] Learn how to create a 2D Action game with Unity 2023 by Gianny Dantas.7z.rar

[Udemy] Learn how to create a 2D Action game with Unity 2023 by Gianny Dantas_Subtitles.7z

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