Unity 2D Random Dungeon Generator for a Roguelike Video Game
Release date:2018, October 3
Author:Billy McDaniel
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
This is a course intended for beginner to intermediate Unity / C# video game developers who have an interest in the classic rogue-like video game genre. We’ll be borrowing old familiar pixel art graphics to generate our 2D grid-based environments, characters and enemies.
This course is not a complete game. It’s purpose is to explore a couple of simple random dungeon generation tactics and get you started in the world of procedural level generation. You’ll also learn how to apply a rounded edge around all of the walls of your random dungeon to break up the repeating patterns and give the environment a more organic look.
As an added bonus, I’ve included a section to demonstrate a simplified method for enemy path finding. This method uses a flood fill approach to find the shortest path between an enemy and the player. Your enemies will be able to patrol in random directions, chase the player using a flood fill path finding approach as well as engage with the player to begin attacking.