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Unreal engine 5 – Advance locomotion system ALS (Intermediate) by Unreal magic


Release date:2024, June

Author:Unreal magic

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Ever wondered why your game animations fall short of the polished level seen in AAA titles like Alan Wake 2? The secret lies in the Advanced Locomotion System (ALS).

In this course, we start from the basics, beginning with idle animations, and work our way up. We cover cycle animations, leveraging the latest Unreal Engine features to ensure seamless transitions with precise distance matching. Additive animations bring a natural sway to characters while walking or jogging.

We enhance fluidity with pivot animations for sudden direction changes and delve into turn-in-place systems for lifelike motion. The course covers crouching mechanics, mastering jumping animations for smooth execution, and synchronizing all movements with sync groups.

When it comes to firearm mechanics, we use layered systems for organized code and advanced foot tracing techniques for realistic ground interaction. Weapon animations, including reloading and firing sequences, are meticulously crafted.

Audio immersion is essential, so we adjust footstep volume dynamically based on character speed. Visual effects like impact reactions and muzzle flashes add depth to the experience. Modern UI elements provide vital information about ammunition and health status.

Our modular pickup systems offer flexibility, while in-depth exploration of landscape and procedural content generation expands your creative toolkit. You’ll also meet the formidable Kraken enemy, with a variety of attacks and behaviors.

Guidance is crucial. Learn advanced debugging methods, from visual aids like arrows to blueprint organization tricks. Join our vibrant Discord community, where I, along with fellow enthusiasts like Max, offer support and insights.

Embark on this journey with us and unlock the secrets to elevating your game animations to AAA standards. Let’s begin together.

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[Udemy] Unreal engine 5 – Advance locomotion system ALS (Intermediate) by Unreal magic
01 – 01Project Setup Beginner

01 – Introduction
02 – 01Create Blank project
03 – 02Import character

02 – 02Blueprint communication Intermediate

04 – 03Gamemode and character class
05 – 04Animation blueprint
06 – 05Blueprint casting
07 – 06Blueprint Interface
08 – 07Property access

03 – 03Idle Animations Pro

09 – 08Import Animations
10 – 09Enhanced input
11 – 10Equiped gun enum
12 – 11Pass equipedGun to animation blueprint
13 – 12State machines and shared rules
14 – 13Blend poses
15 – 14Blend poses by enums
16 – 15Dynamic sequence with blend inertialization

04 – 04Linked animations Pro

17 – 16Animation layers
18 – 17Animation layer interfaces
19 – 18Link anim class
20 – 19Animation blueprint childs
21 – 20Inertilize blending

05 – 05Organizing our work Beginner

22 – 21Be more Organize

06 – 06Character movement Beginner

23 – 22Look Around enhanced input
24 – 23Movement enhanced input
25 – 24Character movement

07 – 07Cycle Animation Part01 Intermediate

26 – 25Import animations
27 – 26Move forward animation
28 – 27Aiming enhanced input
29 – 28Use structs and enums for character movement data
30 – 29Use maps for gate setting
31 – 30Update gate function
32 – 31Recieve current gate in animation blueprint
33 – 32Belnd posses with gates
34 – 33Use layer interfaces for cycle
35 – 34Get base animation blueprint in layer blueprint
36 – 35cycle on update
37 – 36Select animation for cycle
38 – 37Edit selection in property matrix

08 – 08Debug Options Intermediate

39 – 38Debug a Enumaration variable
40 – 39Debug a float value
41 – 40Draw debug arrow
42 – 41Debug draw vector function
43 – 42Debug draw vector string
44 – 43ALS Debug system
45 – 44Slow mode

09 – 09Cycle animation Part02 Pro

46 – 45Calculate velocity Locomotion Data
47 – 46Debug velocity Locomotion Data
48 – 47Create calculate locomotion direction function
49 – 48Going backward calculation
50 – 49Going forward calculation
51 – 50Going right and left Calculation
52 – 51Make calculate direction function more modular
53 – 52Direction deadzone
54 – 53Forward Dead zone
55 – 54Backward Dead zone
56 – 55Right Dead zone
57 – 56Left Dead zone
58 – 57Select animations with directions
59 – 58Select animations with structs
60 – 59Stride Warping
61 – 60Orientation warping

10 – 10Lean animations Intermediate

62 – 61Import animations
63 – 62Lean blend space
64 – 63Apply additive
65 – 64Calculate Lean angle
66 – 65Lean for backward animation

11 – 11Stop Animations Pro

67 – 66Import animations
68 – 67Get acceleration data
69 – 68Debug acceleration data
70 – 69Old way of Stop animation logic
71 – 70Use animation layers
72 – 71Distance matching explained
73 – 72Predict Stop location of charcter
74 – 73Sequence evaluator setup
75 – 74Set correct animations
76 – 75Play animation with sequence evaluator
77 – 76Distance match to target
78 – 77Distance curve
79 – 78Stop at angle
80 – 79Little talk

12 – 12Start Animations Pro

81 – 80Import animations
82 – 81Start State
83 – 82Start to cycle direction chnage rule
84 – 83Gate changed rule
85 – 84Max transition per frame
86 – 85Start layer
87 – 86Select animations
88 – 87Set animation in on update
89 – 88Distance matching
90 – 89Rules blend logic
91 – 90Warping Settings

13 – 13Pivot animations Pro

100 – 99Acceleration locomotion direction
101 – 100Select animations
102 – 101Check which part of pivot we are in
103 – 102Check selected animation
104 – 103Distance matching to target for stop part
105 – 104AdvanceTime by distance matching
106 – 105Orientation warping for pivot
92 – 91Import animations
93 – 92Pivot state
94 – 93Going to pivot state with dot product
95 – 94First rule of going to cycle
96 – 95Anim notify state
97 – 96Pivot state machine
98 – 97Pivot state rule
99 – 98Setup Pivot anims

14 – 14Turn in place Pro

107 – 106Import animations
108 – 107Rotate root bone
109 – 108Update root yaw offset
110 – 109Make character mesh to stay at the same angle
111 – 110Root yaw offset mode
112 – 111Debug root yaw offset
113 – 112SetUp accumulate Mode
114 – 113Setup BelndOut mode
115 – 114Interp root yaw offset to zero
116 – 115Velocity locomotion angle with offset
117 – 116Turn in place animation Explained
118 – 117How to extract Root motion Z
119 – 118Extract Root motion Z for all turn animations
120 – 119Is turning curve
121 – 120 Create Is turning curve for all turning animations
122 – 121Turn In Place States
123 – 122Turn in place entry state rule
124 – 123Should turn Left variable
125 – 124Setup Turn in place Entry
126 – 125Select animations for turning
127 – 126Play turn in place animation
128 – 127Turn in place recovery rule
129 – 128Turn in place recovery animation
130 – 129Proccess turn yaw curve
131 – 130Turn character mesh with curves
132 – 131Go back to Idle rule

15 – 15Crouch gate Intermediate

133 – 132Import animations
134 – 133Crouch gate
135 – 134Crouch state changed
136 – 135Go to crouch pose
137 – 136Stance transition state
138 – 137Stance transition rules
139 – 138Crouch start logic
140 – 139Crouch start animations
141 – 140Crouch cycle
142 – 141Crouch cycle rule
143 – 142Crouch Stop logic
144 – 143Crouch stop animations
145 – 144Fix Crouch start forward animation
146 – 145Crouch pivot logic
147 – 146Crouch pivot animations
148 – 147Crouch turn logic
149 – 148Extarct root bone curve
150 – 149Is trun curve
151 – 150Crouch turn in place animations
152 – 151Fix 180 turn

16 – 16Jump Animations Pro

153 – 152Import Animations
154 – 153Input mapping for jumping
155 – 154Jump logic explained
156 – 155Jump selector
157 – 156Is jumping
158 – 157Is Falling
159 – 158Jump start loop
160 – 159Time to jump apex
161 – 160Jump Layers
162 – 161Jump for other weapons
163 – 162Jump fall loop
164 – 163Fall land layer
165 – 164Distance to ground calculation
166 – 165Pass ground distance to animation blueprint
167 – 166Fall loop to fall land rule
168 – 167Distance macth to target for jump fall land
169 – 168Distance curve for jump land
170 – 169End in air conduit
171 – 170Prepare additive animations for recovery
172 – 171Jump interups
173 – 172Jump Fall Land recovery apply additive Layer
174 – 173Recovery state machine
175 – 174Recovery additive state
176 – 175Time falling calculation
177 – 176Fix time falling

17 – 17Sync Groups Intermediate

178 – 177why we want to use sync groups
179 – 178How sync froup works
180 – 179Sync markers
181 – 180Sync animations together
182 – 181Blend options

18 – 18Aim offset Intermediate

183 – 182Import animations
184 – 183Set additive options for unarmed Aim offset animations
185 – 184Prepare the rest of animations
186 – 185Unarm aim offset setup
187 – 186Aim offset for rifle and pistol
188 – 187Aim offset layer
189 – 188Set aim offsets for blend spaces
190 – 189get Aim pitch

19 – 19Weapons Pro

191 – 190Import weapons
192 – 191unequiped place for guns
193 – 192Equiped socket
194 – 193Add guns to character class
195 – 194Equipe gun logic
196 – 195hand ik retargetting
197 – 196Two bone ik
198 – 197Virtual bones

20 – 20Foots Intermediate

199 – 198Foot placement
200 – 199Disbale foot placement when jumping

21 – 21Weapons animations Intermediate

201 – 200Import animations
202 – 201Fire input action
203 – 202Rate of fire
204 – 203Anim montages
205 – 204Slot in animation blueprint
206 – 205Play Weapon fire animations
207 – 206Input action for reload
208 – 207Play reload animations
209 – 208Upper body slot
210 – 209Blend mask
211 – 210Disable left hand IK

22 – 22Updates Section Intermediate

212 – 211Introduction
213 – 212Coruch aim fix
214 – 213Zoom for aiming
215 – 214Use timeline and lerp for aiming
216 – 215Create Datatables for gate settings
217 – 216Use dataTables
218 – 217Update Gate
219 – 218Update crouch gate settings
220 – 219Blend In and Out for layers

23 – 23Audio Intermediate

221 – 220Import sounds
222 – 221Play fire sound
223 – 222Create meta sound
224 – 223Meta sound preset
225 – 224Impact point line trace function
226 – 225Impact sound
227 – 226Sound attenuation
228 – 227Physics material
229 – 228Use surface type
230 – 229Pistol realod sounds
231 – 230Rifle reload sounds
232 – 231Custom anim notifie
233 – 232Line trace for surface type
234 – 233Surface type land sounds
235 – 234Anim notfiy for walk and jog
236 – 235Anim notify child for left and right foot
237 – 236Metasound For left and right foot
238 – 237Add sound to all animations
239 – 238Change volume of sound in metasound with blueprint
240 – 239Change volume based on speed

24 – 24Visual effects Intermediate

241 – 240Import effects
242 – 241Muzzle flash and shell eject for pistol
243 – 242Rifle shel eject and muzzle flash
244 – 243Organize codes
245 – 244Fire tracer for pistol
246 – 245Fire tracer for Rifle
247 – 246Niagara debries effect
248 – 247Debries effect for rifle

25 – 25Weapons UI Intermediate

249 – 248Import Textures
250 – 249Create materials for Textures
251 – 250Crosshair UI
252 – 251Bullet and clip variables
253 – 252Debug sysytem
254 – 253Pistol bullet manager
255 – 254Reload Manualy
256 – 255Pistol reload custom event
257 – 256Rifle bullet and clip amounts
258 – 257Rifle reload system
259 – 258Pistol UI BackGround
260 – 259Horizental and vertical boxes
261 – 260Pistol bullet and clips Wrap boxes
262 – 261Change bullet and clip amount with blueprint
263 – 262Comunicate with widget blueprint
264 – 263Attach widget to pistol
265 – 264Proccess widget
266 – 265Rifle UI
267 – 266Reload problem fix
268 – 267Aim and change weapon problem with widgets fix

26 – 26Health bar UI Intermediate

269 – 268Import files
270 – 269Create materials for static meshes
271 – 270Create sockets
272 – 271Add to character
273 – 272Health bar material Explained
274 – 273Healbar color changing
275 – 274Increase health function
276 – 275Decrease health
277 – 276Update health UI
278 – 277Decrease shield
279 – 278Increase shield
280 – 279Update shield UI

27 – 27Pickups Intermediate

281 – 280Import files
282 – 281Create Item blueprint
283 – 282Add pad to item
284 – 283Change color based of Item type
285 – 284Pickup niagara effects
286 – 285Pickup health and shield
287 – 286Pickup clips for weapons

28 – 28Landscape Intermediate

288 – 287Import files
289 – 288Landscape painting

29 – 29PCG Basic Beginner

290 – 289Surface sampler on landscape
291 – 290Debug options
292 – 291Sampler settings
293 – 292Transform node
294 – 293Density filter
295 – 294Attribute Noise

30 – 30Jungle PCG Pro

296 – 295Create spline blueprint
297 – 296Spline data and sampler
298 – 297Distance node
299 – 298scale by density
300 – 299Scale by density Problem
301 – 300Create road in jungle

31 – 31Bonus Section Road PCG pro

302 – 301Create road sample
303 – 302Road sample Tags
304 – 303Copy and Pase road sample
305 – 304Randomize misc groups
306 – 305Randomize everything
307 – 306Add road to landscape

32 – 32Kraken Character Intermediate

308 – 307Import files
309 – 308Setup kraken blueprint
310 – 309Shoot kraken
311 – 310HealthSysytem for kraken
312 – 311Check where we are hitting the kraken
313 – 312Damage base on the bones
314 – 313Decrease health
315 – 314Kraken health bar UI
316 – 315Update health UI
317 – 316Show and hide health bar
318 – 317Pop up damage number

33 – 33Kraken AI Intermediate

319 – 318AI setup
320 – 319Kraken movement
321 – 320Chase player if player get close to kraken
322 – 321Chase player if player shoot the kraken
323 – 322foot placement fix
324 – 323Kraken death animation
325 – 324Dead check decorator
326 – 325Kraken walk animation
327 – 326Create attack custom task
328 – 327Kraken attack animation
329 – 328Kraken decrease health of character

34 – 34Bug reports

330 – 329Switching empty weapon

[Udemy] Unreal engine 5 – Advance locomotion system ALS (Intermediate) by Unreal magic.7z.part1.rar
[Udemy] Unreal engine 5 – Advance locomotion system ALS (Intermediate) by Unreal magic.7z.part2.rar

[Udemy] Unreal engine 5 – Advance locomotion system ALS (Intermediate) by Unreal magic_Subtitles.7z

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