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Make a 2D platformer in Unreal engine 5 C++


Release date:2024, June

Duration:06 h 55 m

Author:Unreal University

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

I’ve put everything you need to build a 2D Platformer game in one place! This comprehensive online course offers a complete roadmap to guide you through building a 2D platformer game from scratch.

What You’ll Learn:

Build a 2D Platformer Game:

  • This course will take you step-by-step from a completely empty Unreal Engine project to a full-fledged 2D game.
  • You’ll learn how to create enemies, collectibles, pickups, menu systems, and more.

Create Enemy Characters:

  • Set up enemy characters capable of ranged and melee attacks.
  • Learn to add custom enemies easily, enhancing your game’s challenge and diversity.

Master Unreal Engine Tools:

  • Gain a deeper understanding of Unreal Engine 5 by using various tools to build your game.
  • Learn how Unreal Engine can be used for more than just high-end graphics.
What’s Inside:

Course Modules:

  1. Introduction:
    • Overview of the course and what you’ll achieve.
  2. Setting Up a 2D Player Character:
    • Learn to create and control your main character.
  3. Setting Up an Enemy Character:
    • Step-by-step guide to creating enemy characters.
  4. Creating a 2D Melee Combat System:
    • Implement melee combat mechanics for your game.
  5. Creating a 2D Ranged Combat System:
    • Learn to set up ranged attacks for both players and enemies.
  6. Creating Blueprint Systems:
    • Use Blueprints to streamline your game development process.
  7. Level Design:
    • Design engaging and challenging levels for your platformer.
  8. Creating a Boss Battle:
    • Develop a boss battle to give your game an exciting climax.
  9. Final Touches:
    • Polish your game with finishing touches to make it ready for players.
Additional Resources:
  • 2D Platformer Project:
    • Get access to the 2D platformer project created during the course, giving you a hands-on example to reference and learn from.
Why Take This Course?
  • Comprehensive Guide:
    • From setting up characters to designing levels, this course covers everything you need.
  • Hands-On Learning:
    • Follow along with detailed videos and practical assignments to solidify your understanding.
  • Expert Instruction:
    • Learn from an experienced instructor who has a deep understanding of Unreal Engine and game development.

Put your trust in this course, and you’ll have the complete roadmap to build a 2D platformer game. Join now and start creating your game today!

Watch online or Download for Free
[Udemy] Make a 2D platformer in Unreal engine 5 C++
01. Introduction

01. Introduction
02. Why Choose Unreal Engine for 2D Game Development

02. Setting up environments

01. Download and install Visual studio community 2022
02. Setting Up Android Studio
03. Downloading and Installing Java Development Kit
04. Downloading JetBrains Rider
05. Creating a New Project and Level

03. Setting up unreal environments

01. Map Creation
02. Create First Class

04. Creating base class C++

01. Game Mode Creation C++
02. Creating a Player Controller C++
03. Creating a Player Character C++
04. Adding Dependencies In Rider

05. Creating a 2D Map with Unreal Engine

01. Constructing the tilemap
02. Working with Sprites in Unreal Engine
03. Animating Sprites with Paper Flipbooks in Unreal Engine

06. Player Base C++

01. Setting Up the Character in C++
02. Setting Up the Character in Blueprints
03. Implement input for the player character
04. Setting up input action
05. Take control of player
06. Mastering Player Control with Enhanced Input
07. Fine-Tuning Player Movement in Unreal Engine

07. Animation State Machine

01. Building an Animation State Machine with C++
02. Breathing Life into Animations
03. Optimizing Animation State Machine
04. Cleaning Animation Component

08. Building platform Interaction

01. Building a Foundation for Player Interactions
02. Building a Falling Platform Interaction With C++
03. Fine-Tuning the Falling Platform Interaction
04. Optimize Falling Platform Interaction
05. Building a Springy Trampoline Interaction
06. Fine-Tuning the Trampoline Experience

09. Crafting a Functionnal Ladder Interaction

01. Ladder Platform Interaction
01.1 Ladder interaction
02. Laddering Up Player Controls
03. Bringing the Ladder to Life
04. Enhancing Player Movement with Ladder Animations

10. Player Damage and Interaction

01. Introducing Spikes
02. Bringing Spikes to Life in Blueprints
03. Building a Respawn System with Checkpoints
04. Introducing the Death Component
05. Building the Visual Checkpoint
06. Building the Projectile Component
07. Building the Turret for Projectile Spawning
08. Integrating Projectiles and Turrets in Blueprints

11. Creating User Widget

01. Building the Health Component for Player Characters
02. Building the Player Health Bar User Widget
03. Building the Health Bar User Interface with UMG
04. Integrating the Health Bar Widget
05. Building Gem Interaction for the Platformer
06. Building the Gem UI and Interaction Blueprint
07. Refining Player Death and Respawn Logic

12. Enemy base class

01. Building the Enemy Base Class
02. Building a Simple Enemy Class
03. Bringing the Enemy to Life in Blueprint

[Udemy] Make a 2D platformer in Unreal engine 5 C++.7z

[Udemy] Make a 2D platformer in Unreal engine 5 C++_Subtitles.7z

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