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Watercolor Marathon – Light and Shadow by Anastasia Kustova (Акварельный Марафон – Свет и Тень – Russian, Eng sub)

Release date:2022

Duration:09 h 59 m

Author:Anastasia Kustova

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

The watercolor marathon is specifically designed to cater to individuals who want to gain more confidence and loosen up in their watercolor technique. The four lessons offered in the marathon will focus on various aspects of working with watercolors and help you develop your skills and artistic expression. Here’s what you can expect from each lesson:

  • Working with large shadow fragments and emphasizing light and glow: In this lesson, you will learn how to effectively use large shadow areas in your watercolor paintings to create depth and dimension. Additionally, you will explore techniques to skillfully emphasize light and create a sense of glow in your artwork.
  • Finding the balance between slow and thoughtful work and bold strokes and fills: This lesson will help you understand when it’s necessary to work slowly and thoughtfully, paying attention to details, and when you can confidently make bold strokes and fills in your watercolor paintings. You will learn to strike a balance between precision and spontaneity in your artistic process.
  • Trying new techniques and practicing emancipation: In this lesson, you will be encouraged to step out of your comfort zone and try new techniques in watercolor. This will help you expand your artistic repertoire and foster a sense of freedom and experimentation in your artwork. Emphasis will be placed on embracing the creative process and letting go of perfectionism.
  • Building trust in watercolors: The final lesson of the marathon will focus on developing trust in the medium of watercolors. You will learn to work confidently with watercolors, understanding their unique properties and how to leverage them to create beautiful effects in your paintings. This lesson will help you gain more confidence in your watercolor technique and approach.

Overall, the marathon aims to provide a supportive and encouraging environment for you to explore and grow in your watercolor practice. By the end of the marathon, you can expect to have increased confidence, a broader skill set, and a greater sense of freedom and trust in working with watercolors.

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