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UxUi Design theory and practice with Adobe XD (Teoria e pratica di UxUi Design con Adobe XD – Italian, Eng sub)


Release date:2020, November

Duration:08 h 51 m

Author:Alberto Comper

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Today, more than ever, the market demands creative professionals and designers to have the ability to develop user interfaces and user experiences for mobile applications and websites. To meet this need, Adobe, the leading company that created Photoshop and Illustrator, has developed a specific application for UX/UI design from scratch: Adobe XD.

In this course, Gaia Zuccaro and Alberto Comper, respectively UI & Interaction Designer and Digital Media Evangelist, will teach you step by step how to use Adobe XD from scratch (and also some specific tools from Adobe Photoshop CC), and then apply it conceptually in the development of UX/UI design through the acquisition of fundamental concepts in this branch of visual communication. By the end of the course, you will be able to successfully develop your first interactive design projects.

What’s new: We have revamped almost all of the lessons using new recording techniques for better video/audio quality, but most importantly, we have updated the content, including new topics, to ensure that the course materials are consistent with the current version of Adobe XD, and take the opportunity to illustrate its new features and functionalities (which are quite a few).

What you will learn:
The use of Adobe XD for designing and prototyping web and mobile applications.
Fundamental concepts for developing user interface and user experience of applications.
Designing a prototype of a mobile app to present to clients.

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1. Introduzione

01. Cosa è Adobe XD
02. Panoramica dell’interfaccia utente

2. Strumenti di Design

01. Le artboards
02. Griglie e linee guida
03. Guide sensibili
04. Importazione di contenuti da altre applicazioni
05. Primitive grafiche e riempimenti
06. Allineamento e distribuzione
07. Il pennino
08. Plug-In
09. Inserire e modificare il testo
10. Organizzazione degli oggetti e funzione dei livelli
11. Griglie ripetitive
12. Creazione e gestione degli assets colori e stili di carattere
13. Creazione e gestione degli assets components
14. Documenti locali e nella Cloud
15. Linked assets
16. Responsive resize
17. Padding
18. Style guide e Kit UI

3. Prototipazione

01. Stabilire le interazioni tra elementi di design
02. Anteprima delle interazioni su mobile
03. Animazioni automatiche tra le pagine
04. Overlay
05. Drag
06. Components states
07. Usiamo i components per animare un grafico
08. Combinazione di transizioni
09. Condivisione del prototipo
10. Esportazione degli assets

4. Adobe Photoshop CC Strumenti per il design di UxUi

01. Conversione dei file di Photoshop in XD
02. Tavole da disegno
03. Linee guida
04. Guide sensibili
05. Forme vettoriali
06. Oggetti avanzati collegati
07. Vantaggi degli oggetti avanzati vettoriali
08. Oggetti avanzati vettoriali collegati
09. Esportazione
10. Generator

5. Teoria ed applicazione di UxUi Design a cura di Gaia Zuccaro

01. Gaia Zuccaro UI & Interaction Designer
02. Ux is not Ui
03. Principi di Gestaltica
04. Pattern Ui
05. Sviluppiamo un linguaggio
06. Workflow per una buona progettazione
07. Definiamo il ritmo
08. Tipografia
09. Colore
10. Abbasso il Lorem Ipsum

[Udemy] UxUi Design theory and practice with Adobe XD (Teoria e pratica di UxUi Design con Adobe XD – Italian, Eng sub)_Subtitles.7z

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