Release date:2023, February
Duration:23 h 17 m
Author:Matthew Falconer
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
It sounds like an exciting journey into editing! You’re on the right track—hands-on experience is key. Plus, the fact that you can access the software for free is a game-changer, isn’t it? As a Blackmagic certified trainer in Da Vinci Resolve, I’ve tailored this course to cover everything from the ground up, guiding you through the entire editing process until the final delivery.
Here’s what you’ll dive into:
- Proper setup and organization of an editing project
- Tagging, organizing, and navigating metadata
- Efficient workflows for 4K and camera RAW projects using proxies and optimized media
- Comprehensive utilization of Da Vinci Resolve’s array of tools
- Editing techniques for short films and corporate interview-style videos
- Quick editing using the cut panel for an initial pass
- Basics of audio editing in the edit panel, including sound design fundamentals
- And much more!
Hands-on learning is at the core of this course. You’ll immediately start working on a complete short film once you download it. These professional projects are sourced directly from the industry, crafted by experienced practitioners (many of whom I’ve worked with), giving you top-notch learning material.
I’ve included some free key videos below for you to check out and get a feel for the course. Dive in, explore, and I hope to have you join us soon to kick-start your post-production journey together!
Watch online or Download for Free
Section 01 – Introduction
01 Internal Databases
02 Preferences and storage locations, setting your cache drive
03 The 3 Ws Workflow, Workflow, Workflow
Section 02 – Introduction to the media panel
05 Importing a project from a Resolve archive file
06 Layout of the Media panel
07 Bins and importing clips
08 Syncing audio to video
09 Introduction to angles, Closeup, Mid and Wide
10 Reading simple metadata and reviewing clips
11 Tagging Multiple clips and Keywords
12 Smart bins, navigating our project efficiently
13 Marking up a script for editing
14 Introduction to Codecs
15 Optimized Media, H264 playing a little slow
16 The Proxy workflow, stand-ins for troublesome media R17 UPDATE
Section 03 – Introduction to the edit panel
17 Layout of the Edit Panel
18 Making a new timeline and timeline settings
19 The basics of 3-point editing; the IO
20 IO with the film strip and icons
21 Markers
Section 04 – Editing a short film – the first assembly
22 Overview of the project Gym Candy
23 The first Assembly Scene one Part One
24 The First Assembly Scene one Workout Montage
25 The Inductive Edit and the Circle
26 The First Assembly Scene Two Part One
27 The First Assembly Scene Two Part Two
28 The First Assembly Scene Two Part Three
29 The First Assembly Scene Three
Section 05 – Editing a short film – the second pass
30 Reviewing Our Edit and Annotations
31 Trim Editing Ripple Editing With the Mouse
32 Trim Editing Rolling Edits With the Mouse
33 Trim Editing Slip Edits With the Mouse
34 Trim Editing Trimming With the Keyboard
35 Trim Editing the Dynamic Trim Mode
36 Retiming and Speed Changing Clips
37 The Inspector and Basic Keyframing
38 Multiple Tracks
39 The Second Pass Scene One
40 The Second Pass Scene Two Part One
41 The Second Pass Scene Two Part two
42 The Second Pass Scene Three and Final Polish
43 Picture Lock
Section 06 – Introduction to audio in the edit panel
44 Audio, the Biggest Thing Everyone Loves to ignore
45 Audio Levels For Our Edit and YouTube, How Loud and Why
46 The Sound List
47 Finding Audio Online
48 More Bins and Importing Audio
49 Stereo and Mono
50 Monitoring Audio in the Edit Panel
51 The Panning Law
52 Volume Controls in the Edit Panel
53 Volume Normalization
54 The Inspector for Audio and Looping Room Tone
Section 07 – Editing a short film – basic audio edit
55 Preparing the Edit for Audio Work
56 Basic Dialogue Levelling
57 Audio Edit Scene One Part One
58 Audio Edit Scene One Workout Montage
59 Audio Edit Scene One Part Three
62 Audio edit Scene Three and Final Polish
Section 08 – Editing a short film – handover and final export
63 Handover to Other Resolve Users
64 Exporting an Offline Reference File
65 Baked Master Handover to Colour Grade
66 Handover to Adobe, FCPX and AvidProtools Users
67 Exporting bins and timelines for other users R17 UPDATE
68 Basic Titles and Credit Roller
69 Final Export, Well Done!
Section 09 – Introducing the cut panel
71 Introducing the project and our learning outcomes
72 Overview of the Cut Panel
73 Bin dividers R 17 UPDATE
74 The contextual viewer and the source tape
75 Smart insert
76 Append to end of track and ripple overwrite
77 Close up and place on top
78 Dynamic zoom
79 Trimming in the cut panel – Keyboard shortcut cheat sheet attached
80 Trimming with Waveforms R17 UPDATE
81 Transitions and effects in the cut panel R17 UPDATE
82 The inspector in the cut panel R17 UPDATE
83 Render In Place R17 UPDATE
84 Audio in the cut panel
85 The stereo fixer effect
Section 10 – Cutting a first assembly in the cut panel
86 First pass Pt1 The walk and the flashback
87 The deductive arc in editing
88 First pass Pt 2 The reveal of George and cheating angles
89 The Line and when to cross it
90 First pass Pt 3 finishing the scene
91 Learning recap What weve covered and where were headed
Section 11 – Bonus Module Additional – tips and tricks for second pass in the edit panel
92 The Eye-Line
93 The Take Selector
94 Auto select with mutliple tracks, the ME TOO! button
95 Shift source patch and Ripple Cut and Ripple Paste
96 Replace clip and Play around
97 Openening a bin as a floating window
Section 12 – Editing a short corporate video
099 Introducing the project
100 Building the Select Reel
101 Pancake Editing in Resolve, the first pass
102 The second pass
104 Third pass Fusion Graphics Presets
105 Introduction to the Equalizer in the Edit Panel
106 The Audio Pass
Section 13 – Bonus lectures
107 Audio Noise Reduction in the Edit Panel
[Udemy] Project-Led Editing in Da Vinci Resolve Beginner to Advanced by Matthew Falconer.7z.001.rar
[Udemy] Project-Led Editing in Da Vinci Resolve Beginner to Advanced by Matthew Falconer.7z.002.rar
[Udemy] Project-Led Editing in Da Vinci Resolve Beginner to Advanced by Matthew Falconer.7z.003.rar
[Udemy] Project-Led Editing in Da Vinci Resolve Beginner to Advanced by Matthew Falconer_Subtitles.7z
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