Storytelling for Social Media using Adobe Spark Video
Release date:2019, March 22
Duration:02 h 02 m
Author:Ashley Kennedy
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
Creating videos that are destined for social media can be a bit intimidating, particularly to the uninitiated. Even for basic videos, content creators must adequately define their brand, target the right audience, properly edit shots, and more. This is where Adobe Spark Video can help. This storytelling application for desktop and mobile makes creating professional-looking video stories a breeze. In this course, Ashley Kennedy helps you get up and running with Spark Video as she steps through the creation of social media videos for a nonprofit. Learn how to storyboard your project; add and edit video and images; incorporate music and text; and customize your video to fit your personality and brand.
Topics include:
Why use Adobe Spark Video for social media?
Determining your brand’s visual identity
Starting a video project
Writing and storyboarding a project
Adding media
Making timing and text adjustments
Making a video for a niche audience