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Spring marathon by Anna Bozhkova (Весенний марафон – Russian, Eng sub)

Release date:2022, March

Duration:03 h 34 m

Author:Anna Bozhkova

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Thank you for inviting me to the “SPRING MARATHON”! I’d be delighted to participate. Let’s explore each of the lessons you mentioned:

Lesson 1: “Mimosa”
In this lesson, we can explore the beautiful flower known as mimosa. We can discuss its characteristics, such as its vibrant yellow color and delicate, fern-like leaves. We can also delve into different artistic techniques to depict mimosa, including color mixing, brushwork, and capturing the unique texture of the flowers.

Lesson 2: “Daisies in a Vase”
Daisies are charming and popular flowers, making them a wonderful subject for an art lesson. We can explore different approaches to painting daisies in a vase, considering elements such as composition, color palette, and capturing the play of light and shadows. Additionally, we can discuss techniques for creating a sense of depth and three-dimensionality in the painting.

Lesson 3: “Blossoming Tree”
The blossoming of trees in spring is a captivating sight, full of vibrant colors and new life. In this lesson, we can focus on capturing the essence of a blossoming tree, exploring techniques for representing the intricate details of flowers, leaves, and branches. We can discuss color choices, brushstrokes, and ways to create a sense of movement and energy in the artwork.

Lesson 4: “Labrador with Tulips”
Combining the beauty of nature and the charm of animals, this lesson can involve painting a Labrador retriever surrounded by tulips. We can explore techniques for depicting the dog’s fur, capturing its expression and pose, and painting the tulips with attention to detail. This lesson can provide an opportunity to practice rendering different textures and conveying a sense of interaction between the Labrador and the flowers.

Throughout the “SPRING MARATHON,” we can discuss relevant artistic concepts, provide tips and demonstrations, and encourage participants to explore their creativity and develop their artistic skills. I’m excited to be a part of this journey!

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