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Mastering Natural Light in Portrait Photography


Release date:2023, July

Duration:00 h 54 m

Author:Sophia Carey

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Welcome to the exciting world of natural light portrait photography! As a portrait photographer, mastering shooting in various lighting scenarios is a crucial skill that will make your photography journey much easier and more enjoyable.

In this class, we’ll dive deep into understanding and working with different types of natural light that you might encounter in your photography journey. I’ll share my best tips and techniques for tackling each lighting scenario, allowing you to capture stunning and captivating portraits.

Here’s a glimpse of what we’ll cover in this comprehensive class:

  • Exposure: We’ll start by demystifying exposure, and I’ll share some top tips to help you get the perfect exposure in different lighting conditions.
  • Midday Light: Shooting in midday light can be challenging due to harsh shadows and contrast. I’ll guide you in handling this scenario to achieve beautiful and well-balanced portraits.
  • Overcast Scenarios: Overcast days can create soft and diffused light, which is excellent for portraits. I’ll show you how to make the most of this lighting situation and create captivating images.
  • Backlighting: Backlighting can create stunning and ethereal portraits. I’ll teach you how to use backlighting effectively to add depth and drama to your images.
  • Avoiding and Correcting Color Casts: Color casts can sometimes be an issue in natural light photography. I’ll share techniques to avoid color casts during shooting and how to correct them using Adobe Lightroom.
  • Key Tools in Adobe Lightroom: We’ll explore essential tools in Adobe Lightroom that will help you enhance and fine-tune your natural light portraits.
  • Fixing Underexposed and Overexposed Film Scans: If you’re shooting film, I’ll show you how to fix underexposed and overexposed film scans in Adobe Lightroom, ensuring your final images look stunning.

Throughout the class, we’ll go behind the scenes as I shoot on a bright, sunny day and a cloudy, overcast day, giving you valuable insights into my process and decision-making.

Whether a beginner or an experienced portrait photographer, this class is packed with practical knowledge and techniques to elevate your natural light portrait photography. Get ready to capture stunning portraits in any lighting scenario and create timeless memories for your clients.

So, are you excited to embark on this journey of mastering natural light portrait photography? Let’s dive in and create some magical portraits together!

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