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Creating Patterns in Procreate – Half-drop Repeats

Release date:2023, July

Duration:01 h 04 m

Author:Sandra Mejia

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the world of pattern design using the powerful Procreate app on your iPad? Join me in this class as I guide you step-by-step through the process of creating a complex half-drop repeating pattern.

Throughout the course, you’ll learn how to set up your canvas and create beautiful illustrations with textures and details. We’ll then transform these illustrations into repeating pattern tiles that are ready to be used for printing on fabric, creating eye-catching products, or even starting your own print-on-demand business.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced artist, this class is suitable for all skill levels. I’ll cover each step required to achieve the final result, so you can feel confident in creating professional and editable patterns that will impress your clients or make your projects shine.

During the class, you’ll also discover the pros and cons of using Procreate for pattern design and learn how to overcome its limitations. Additionally, I’ll teach you the key elements that make a pattern successful, ensuring that you develop the skills to create impressive designs that stand out.

By the end of the class, you’ll have a solid understanding of the pattern design process in Procreate. You’ll be equipped to create half-drop patterns and even transform them into normal repeats for broader applications. Whether you want to explore pattern design as a hobby or enhance your professional skills, this class will provide you with the knowledge and techniques to excel in pattern creation.

Join me on this creative journey, and let’s unlock the endless possibilities of pattern design using Procreate! Enroll now and take your artistic expression to new heights.

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