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Designing Your Landscape Painting by Stapleton Kearns

Release date:2020, December 31

Author:Stapleton Kearns

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Follow instructor Stapleton Kearns through the howling deserts of Joshua Tree, the coast of Point Lobos, and the colorful fall landscape of Vermont, as he teaches you the New England style of landscape painting. Stapleton will take you through his decision-making process on how to masterfully design and construct different elements in a landscape painting. Along the way, you will learn his tips and tricks on brushes, paints, and personal techniques. Moreover, this 14-week course includes a 7-part docuseries that brings you into the heart of the New England painting tradition, and introduces you to the people, history, and culture in which this style is rooted.

  • Week 1: Analysis of New England Landscape Painters
  • Week 2: Caspers Wilderness Park
  • Week 3: The Live Oak
  • Week 4: Hidden Valley and Rattlesnake Canyon
  • Week 5: Indian Cove
  • Week 6: Whaler’s Cove
  • Week 7: Granite Point
  • Week 8: Cypress Grove I
  • Week 9: Cypress Grove II
  • Week 10: Sandy Hill
  • Week 11: China Cove
  • Week 12: Vermont
  • Week 13: Finishing in Studio I: Granite Point
  • Week 14: Finishing in Studio II: The Live Oak
  • Bonus: Waterfront Public Demonstration
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[New Masters Academy] Designing Your Landscape Painting by Stapleton Kearns
Week 01 – Analysis of New England Landscape Painters

01 – Lesson Overview – SD
03 – Aldro T Hibbard – SD
04 – Continued
05 – Emile Gruppe – SD
06 – Lester Stevens – SD
07 – Anthony Thieme – SD
08 – Frederick Mulhaupt – SD
09 – Charles Movalli – SD
10 – Stapleton Kearns – SD

Week 02 – Caspers Wilderness Park

01 – Interview with Artist Stapleton Kearns – SD
03 – Shopping for a Foreground – SD
04 – Looking for the Big Poster Shapes – SD
05 – Herding the Furthest Back Straggler – SD
06 – Be a Poet, Not a Journalist – SD
07 – Making Hamburger-Sized Decisions – SD
08 – You Cannot Observe Design into a Painting – SD
09 – How to Give Life to Your Skies – SD
10 – How to Install Form – SD
11 – You Dont Have to Chase Nature – SD
12 – The Hour of the Muse – SD
13 – Assignment Instructions – SD
15 – Timelapse – SD

Week 03 – The Live Oak

01 – The Work of Charles Movalli – SD
03 – How to Stretch a Canvas – SD
04 – Previsualisation – What are the Gremlins – SD
05 – The Importance of Design – SD
06 – The Big Poster Shapes – SD
07 – The Landscape is Stored Outside – SD
08 – Copying Info vs Adding Art – SD
09 – Smuggling Red into Your Painting – SD
10 – Stretch Your Own Canvas – SD
11 – Assignment Instructions – SD

Week 04 – Hidden Valley and Rattlesnake Canyon

01 – Composition Overview – SD
03 – A Handful of Takes of the Same Scene – SD
04 – Starring the Sky – SD
05 – Assignment Instructions – SD
06 – Timelapse – SD
07 – Some Art is Better than Others – SD
07 – Some Art is Better than Others – SD
09 – Design Elements that Sell
10 – Differentiate Your Big Shapes – SD
11 – The Two Ways of Seeing Nature – SD
12 – You Need to Know Your Art History – SD
13 – Its All Slaved to Your Design – SD
14 – Stick With Plan A – SD
15 – How To Control The Emphasis – SD
16 – Paint Like Yourself – SD
17 – How to Use Accents and Puffopods – SD
18 – Assignment Instructions – SD
20 – Timelapse – SD

Week 05 – Indian Cove

01 – Picking a Section to Paint – SD
03 – Anyone Can Learn How to Paint – SD
04 – Painting with Rhythm and Design – SD
05 – How to Use Colour Temperature – SD
06 – The Innominate Colours – SD
07 – Painting in Studio vs Outdoors – SD
08 – Assignment Instructions – SD
10 – Timelapse Painting – SD
11 – Tour Through the Historic Painting Sites of Rockport and Gloucester – SD

Week 06 – Whaler’s Cove

01 – Lesson Overview – SD
03 – Dividing the Canvas into Thirds – SD
04 – Using Broad Form-Following Brush Strokes – SD
05 – Finding the Furthest Back-Straggler – SD
06 – Dealing with Changes in Light – SD
07 – Final Thoughts and Conclusion – SD
08 – Assignment – SD
10 – Timelapse – SD

Week 07 – Granite Point

01 – Overview – SD
03 – Papa Bear, Mama Bear and Baby Bear – SD
04 – How to Soften Your Edges – SD
05 – Colour is a Decoration – SD
06 – How to Paint Oceans – SD
07 – Adding Alkaid to Your White – SD
08 – How to Paint a Moving Surf – SD
09 – Characterising the Rock – SD
10 – Is It in Light or Shadow – SD
11 – Decorating Mama Bear – SD
12 – Assignment Instructions – SD
14 – Timelapse – SD
15 – Interview with Gallery Owner T M Nicholas – SD

Week 08 – Cypress Grove I

01 – Lesson Overview – SD
03 – Dont Put the Horizon in the Middle – SD
04 – Plotting the Landscape – SD
05 – How to Use Colour to Differentiate – SD
06 – Using a Value Scale – SD
07 – On Building Patterns – SD
09 – Timelapse – SD

Week 09 – Cypress Grove II

01 – Day 2 – SD
03 – Old Painters Had Better Chops – SD
04 – Anticipating the Change of Light – SD
05 – On Homeopathic Colour – SD
06 – Its Not What You Play, Its What You Dont Play That Counts – SD
07 – Dont Make a Meat Camera Out of Yourself – SD
08 – Leaves, Tree Branches, and Sky Holes – SD
09 – Adding a Variety of Colours to the Sky – SD
10 – Refining Edges and Silhouettes – SD
11 – Assignment Instructions – SD
13 – Timelapse 2 – SD

Week 10 – Sandy Hill

01 – Seascape Painting – SD
03 – How to Paint with Speed – SD
04 – How to Paint Ocean Waves – SD
05 – How to Make Objects Look Wet – SD
06 – Each Painting is a Lesson – SD
07 – Assignment Instructions – SD
09 – Timelapse – SD
10 – Interview with Artist Dale Movalli

Week 11 – China Cove

01 – Lesson Overview – SD
03 – About the Palette – SD
04 – Rembrandt Would Kill to Have My Palette – SD
05 – A Checklist for Each Passage – SD
06 – Using a Loaded Paint Brush – SD
07 – Designing the Foreground – SD
08 – I Make a Lot of Junk – SD
09 – Final Thoughts and Conclusion – SD
10 – Assignment Instructions – SD
12 – Timelapse – SD

Week 12 – Vermont

01 – Lesson Overview – SD
03 – Not Everything Can Be Big – SD
04 – Detail Can Be The Enemy – SD
05 – Characterise Your Subject – SD
06 – Sometimes You Get a Picture, But Always a Lesson – SD
07 – Tight vs Loose Painting – SD
08 – Painting When the Light has Changed – SD
10 – Timelapse – SD
11 – The Famous Sites of Vermont – SD

Week 13 – Finishing in the Studio I – Granite Point

01 – Setting Up to Start Painting in the Studio – SD
03 – Getting Started in the Studio – SD
04 – Touching Up the Rock – SD
05 – Controlling the Eye – SD
06 – Great Paintings Dont Look Like Windows – SD
07 – Fresh Guy with a Fresh Eye – SD
08 – How to Make a Painting Glow – SD
09 – Give the Painting What its Asking For – SD
10 – Assignment Instructions – SD
12 – Timelapse – SD

Week 14 – Finishing in the Studio II – The Live Oak

01 – How To Choose Which Paintings to Finish – SD
03 – How to Troubleshoot Your Painting – SD
04 – The Commercial Aspect of Painting – SD
05 – How to View Your Work with a Fresh Eye – SD
06 – How to Stack Your Values – SD
07 – How to Drone Colour into Your Painting – SD
08 – Final Notes & Signature – SD
09 – Assignment Instructions – SD
10 – Timelapse – SD
12 – Movalli Gallery Lecture – SD

[New Masters Academy] Designing Your Landscape Painting by Stapleton Kearns_Subtitles.7z

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