Release date:2015, October 21
Author:Dermot O' Connor
Skill level:Intermediate
Exercise files:Yes
Migrate your animation workflow from Flash to Toon Boom Harmony. While these 2D animation programs are similar, the differences can really prevent an experienced Flash animator from making a smooth transition. Having a concise, go-to guide for comparison, as Dermot O’ Connor provides here, is an enormous time saver. Join Dermot as he introduces the Flash tools and their Toon Boom equivalents and shows how to complete common drawing and animation tasks in Harmony, including onion skinning, pivoting and scaling, shape optimization, bitmap tracing, easing, tweening, IK rigging, facial animation, effects, and more. At the end of the course, he’ll teach you how to edit audio and export your Toon Boom work as still images and movies.
Topics include:
Transforming shapes
Using the Pen and Line tools
Working with text
Painting in Toon Boom Harmony with the Paint, Ink Bottle, and Eraser tools
Working in the timeline
Drawing in Toon Boom Harmony
Converting lines to fills
Arranging drawing elements
Motion and shape tweening
Copying and pasting frames, exposures, and drawings
Moving the camera
Importing and exporting from Toon Boom Harmony
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001 Welcome
002 What you should know before watching this course
003 Using the exercise files
004 Setup, preferences, and project structure
005 Selection and Subselection
006 Free Transform
007 Gradient Transform
008 3D Rotation
009 The Lasso tool
010 The Pen tool
011 Using text
012 The Line tool
013 Hairlines (invisible lines)
014 Rectangle and Oval
015 The Pencil tool
016 The Brush tool
017 Using bones
018 Using the Paint Bucket
019 Ink Bottle
020 The Eyedropper tool
021 The Eraser tool
022 Width
023 Hand and Zoom
024 Using color
025 The Snap tool
026 Align
027 Information and Transform
028 Color and Swatches
029 Library
030 Working in the timeline
031 Using the camera
032 Drawings and exposures vs. keyframes
033 Managing, renaming, and deleting drawings
034 Managing exposures on Xsheet
035 Onion Skin
036 Cleaning up drawings with the Brush and Cutter tools
037 Convert lines to fills
038 Groups
039 Pivot, scale, skew, and distort
040 Flip vertical and flip horizontal
041 Optimize shapes
042 Distribute to layers
043 Layer hierarchy (z-nudge)
044 Arrange elements in depth
045 Painting highlights, gradients, and shadows
046 Working with the grid
047 Trace bitmap
048 Importing Flash SWF
049 Motion tweening (using keyframes)
050 Guide layers
051 Easing in and out
052 Adding nested drawings
053 Navigating through the timeline
054 Shape tweening
055 Advanced shape tweening
056 Creating a body comp
057 Creating a head and mouth comp
058 Bones IK rig
059 Fixing layer issues with z-depth
060 Hand comp
061 Eye blink
062 Masking in Toon Boom Harmony Premium
063 Masking in Toon Boom Harmony Essentials
064 Completing the IK rig
065 Copying and pasting frames, exposures, and drawings
066 Duplicating characters and layers
067 Symbols
068 Opening an external library
069 Effects
070 Labels
071 Camera moves
072 Importing and editing audio
073 Importing images (via vector conversion)
074 Exporting images and movies
075 Next steps
Migrating from Flash to Toon Boom Harmony – Exercise Files.7z
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