Release date:2021
Author:Lionel VICIDOMINI
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
3D Tracking , Matchmoving, Camera Tracking…
In this Cinema 4D tutorial you will learn how to master the 3D tracker integrated within this wonderful software.
In this training you will learn :
What are 3D Tracking, Matchmoving exactly ? In a first chapter you will learn the tricks that make a good track, how to shoot your own videos and how to avoid the most common mistakes.
How to use the fully automatic tracker
Calibrate you scene in order to give it a sense of scale and orientation, making it easy to place objects
In-depth review of the interface of the tracker
How to deal with the track view, how to sort, filter and refine your features to obtain a better solve
How to make a manual tracking, where you decide which features to follow
Learn the Lens Distortion workflow which can prevent the tracker from solving a shot
Object tracking : how to replace props in the scene with your own 3D objects
3D reconstruction, which allow you to extract a point cloud from your footage, enabling you to completely recreate the scene in 3D
How to track a shot filmed on a standing tripod
Planar tracking, where you extract from the scene a flat surface to apply corner pin deformation
Object-assisted tracking : this feature allow you to use fewer features by using a 3D object you orient to your scene
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01. Introduction
02. What is motion tracking
03. How tracking works
04. The lens distortion workflow
05. How to use Tracking Markers
06. The dos and donts of tracking
07. Conclusion
02. Automatic Tracking
01. Full automatic solve
02. Calibrating the scene and placing objects
03. The interface and the tracking tools
04. Import and display footage, navigating the shot
05. Automatic and semi-automatic tracking
06. How many automatic features do you need
07. Filtering the tracks
08. The Motion Tracker Track View
09. The Motion Tracker Graph View
10. Sorting and filtering the tracks by eye
11. Solving the track, calibrating the scene, adding objects
03. Tracking more difficult shots
01. Tracking a shot by choosing when to use automatic tracks
02. Adding manual features on tracker markers
03. Sorting and filtering the tracks
04. Solving the shot, calibrating, adding objects to test
04. Object tracking
01. Whats a survey shot
02. Tracking the shot, filtering, refining the track
03. Solving the shot, calibrating, adding objects to test
04. Tracking the object
05. Working with difficult features, tracking by hand
06. Solving the object, replacing the prop with a 3D object
05. The Lens Distortion Workflow
01. How to create a lens profile
02. Solving the shot, calibrating the scene
03. Using the lens profile to reapply the distortion to the rendered shot
06. Nodal pan, or How to Track a Tripod Shot
01. Whats a pan shot Using the masks to exclude foliage from the scene
02. Automatic tracking of the shot
03. Adding a few manual features
04. How to calibrate a pan shot
05. The other track constraints
07. Planar tracking and object assisted tracking
01. Adding manual features on the shot and tracking
02. Solving the shot
03. Applying a texture to the 3D object
04. Compositing the shot in After Effects
05. Object assisted tracking
08. 3D Reconstruction
01. Tracking the shot, 3D solving and calibration
02. Creating a point cloud with the 3D reconstruction, creating a mesh
03. Placing 3D geometry within the reconstructed scene
04. Going further with the 3D reconstruction
[Udemy] Master Motion Tracking with Cinema 4D.7z
[Udemy] Master Motion Tracking with Cinema 4D_Subtitles.7z
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