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Home Digital School by Dzikawa (Russian, Eng sub)


Release date:2023

Author:Anna Dzikawa

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Dzikawa’s online New Generation 2D artist course is designed to cater to both beginners and experienced artists. The course program is structured to progressively develop your skills, starting from the basics and gradually advancing to more complex topics.

Here’s an overview of the course program:

  1. Software Interface: The course begins by familiarizing you with the software interface used for 2D art creation. You will learn how to navigate and work within the chosen software.
  2. Basics and Props Creation: Next, you will delve into the fundamentals of 2D art, including foundational concepts, techniques, and tools. You will learn how to create your first props, which are objects or elements used in the composition of illustrations.
  3. Advanced Topics: As you progress, the course explores more advanced subjects such as anatomy, perspective, color theory, and composition. These topics are essential for creating visually appealing and well-executed artwork.
  4. Character and Illustration Creation: Building upon the knowledge gained from the previous stages, you will learn how to create characters and illustrations. This involves applying your understanding of anatomy, perspective, color, and composition to bring your ideas to life in a final illustration.

By completing the program, you will achieve the following outcomes:

  1. Unique Drawing Style: You will develop and refine your own unique drawing style, allowing your artwork to stand out and showcase your individuality as an artist.
  2. Original Characters and Environments: You will acquire the skills necessary to create original characters and environments, giving life and depth to your artistic creations.
  3. Monetization of Art Skills: The course equips you with the knowledge and abilities needed to monetize your art skills. This can include pursuing freelance opportunities, selling your artwork, or working in the creative industry.
  4. Phased Approach to Illustration: You will learn a systematic approach to creating illustrations, starting from the initial idea and progressing through the different stages to achieve a final, polished illustration.

Dzikawa’s New Generation 2D artist course offers a comprehensive learning experience, guiding you through the foundations and intricacies of 2D art creation. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced artist, this course provides valuable insights and practical skills to enhance your artistic abilities and pursue a career in the field of 2D art.

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