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Hard Surface Rigging In Blender (+Russian audio)(update)
Welcome to the Hard-Surface Rigging in Blender course. This is the beginner’s guide to mechanical rigging in Blender, presented by rigging and animation guru Jeannot Landry and co-produced by the Creative Shrimp team.
For Rigging Beginners
This course is aimed at beginner Blender users who want to up their rigging game and learn to rig robots, joints, hydraulics and other hardsurface things. Some basic knowledge of the Blender UI is recommended, but other than that we start from the basics and gradually ramp up the difficulty as we move to a complete robotic rigging project.
Rigging Beginners
good nigth, thank you brother
could you get this course?
thank you very much for this great site that has helped me, how can I contribute?
Can you Upload these?
ArchVizArtist- Corona
ArchVizArtist- V-Ray
ArchVizArtist- 3ds max Optimization Training
Could you please check your payment portal/mechanism? I can’t buy you guys a cup of coffee 🙁
Its for blender version 2.8
thaaaaaankkkk youuu soooooo muccchhhhhhhhhhh …….
Can you provide this tutorial video
good nigth, thank you brother
could you get this course?
thank you very much for this great site that has helped me, how can I contribute?
upload this one pls Procedural Texturing | Blender Master Class from (creative shrimp)
This course is incomplete
You can download the full course from here on torrent