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Drawing with Pen 101 – Creating Shape with Value and Texture


Release date:2021

Author:Sarah Nelson

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Grab your favorite pen, some paper, sit back, and get ready to unlock the magical universe of Pen Drawing! I will be your guide, using the natural world to teach you pen techniques, value, and texture – giving you the tools to share your personal and wonderful creativity with the world!

Pen drawing, and the skills covered in this class, have been at the core of my creative career. Art supplies can be very expensive, so learning how to master the most accessible (and cheap) art tools: pen and pencil, became the building blocks for my creative work.

In order to learn how to master pen drawing I will use one of my favorite subjects: the natural world! Pen is such a versatile tool of expression! You only need a few techniques to help you create a range of textures. In this class, we’ll be covering feathers, fur, and scales!

You will learn how to:

pick the best types of pens and brands to use for any project
do hatching, cross hatching + stippling
create feathers, fur, smooth + scaly textures
use reference photos
translate an image into value and texture
create proportionate outlines,
And ss a bonus, how to:

pair pen drawing with other mediums
translate these techniques onto a digital platform like Adobe Fresco

This class is for beginners and intermediate drawers who want to dive deep into the incredible world of pen drawing. Whatever your experience level, by the end of this class, you will be empowered to create something you can be proud of!

Learning how to draw with pen opens the door to a creative universe that can be unlocked almost anywhere that you find yourself. Pen and these techniques work well as a stand-alone art form, but are especially exciting because they can be used in combination with a whole host of other mediums as well!

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