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Drawing Stunning Character Faces in 3 Unique Styles [Coloso, OSUK2, GBC Dub]


Release date:2023, April 14


Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

“Everyone wants to draw a stunning character. I’ll teach you key techniques to highlight the character’s facial features and make them pop out!”

The ‘face’ is the most important element that determines the quality of a character. To express a variety of faces depending on the art style and mood, we will cover everything from figure drawing to casual, semi-realistic, and realistic sketching & coloring skills.

Learn various drawing styles regardless of the genre, overcome the limitations of drawing faces, and create an attractive character!
Expert Illustrator OSUK2’s Profile & Portfolio

Why Take This Class?​

We face our limits when we don’t improve anymore. This class will be useful for those who want to upgrade their skills by using various drawing styles and find their own style. Plus, I’ve prepared the chapters to include the fundamentals of human anatomy step-by-step to improve your basic skills. The key point is for you to understand the various styles of drawing and learn how to broaden your spectrum. This class will successfully grow your career by expanding your drawing skills and capacity.

12 Exercises:​
  1. Skeletal Figures
  2. Body Figures
  3. Drawing Faces by Angle
  4. Drawing Faces by Style
  5. Drawing Hair
  6. Drawing Facial Expressions by Style
  7. Coloring Faces by Style
  8. Realistic Body Proportion
  9. Semi-Realistic Body Proportion
  10. Casual Body Proportion
  11. Color Study
  12. Completing a Character Illustration
Class Highlights:​

How to Create an Attractive Face:
Learn how to design a face that best reflects the character’s personality and mood. We’ll cover the basics of human anatomy and the proportions & placement of eyes, nose, and lips to elevate the character quality.

Learn to Draw in Various Styles:
Instead of learning different art styles separately, you’ll learn the features of each style as well as skills that can produce various character illustrations.

Practical Learning through Materials and Tasks in Each Lecture:
Upgrade your drawing skills through repetitive practice with materials and tasks. It’ll help you understand the entire curriculum, including the basic concept of drawing, facial expression by styles, and character drawing.

You can find more details by following this link.
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