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Data Visualization and Information Design – Create a Visual Model


Release date:2021

Author:Federica Fragapane

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Meet Federica Fragapane, information designer and your teacher for this course. She shares her professional background and how she came to work with companies and organizations like Google, the United Nations, BBC, and Scientific American. Hear about her influences and her sources of inspiration.

Dive into the broad field of data visualization and learn about its role and potential. Using her projects as visual aids, Federica contextualizes the delicate relationship between information design and its audience. Learn about the importance of collaboration when encountering information about unfamiliar topics.

Begin the first step of the design process: selecting sources and data. Learn how to find official and reliable sources and how to choose data that tells the stories you want to convey. Create a dataset using Google Sheets and explore the essential shift from an information table to a visual representation.

Federica shares her process for finding visual inspiration to design an engaging piece that seamlessly communicates multiple layers of information. Get a walkthrough on design software like RAWGraphs and Adobe Illustrator and create key elements like legends and visual guides, which facilitate an effortless reading experience. Wrap up the course by hearing Federica’s tips on refining and finalizing your work down to the last detail.

What is this course’s project?
Create an information design piece that coveys multiple layers of information.

Who is it for?
Anyone who wants to create intriguing but easy-to-read data visualization pieces.

What you need
Basic knowledge of Adobe Illustrator is required.

To take this course, you need access to a computer with internet connection and design software like Adobe Illustrator.

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