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Conceptualizing Your Character: From Design to Illustration [Coloso, Soyoong, GBC Dub]


Release date:2022, November 22

Duration:14 h 34 m


Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

“Allow me to guide you comprehensively, covering every step from A to Z, on the journey to becoming an accomplished concept artist. I’ll demonstrate effective strategies for tackling challenging character designs.”

Are you struggling to progress beyond being an ‘illustrator’ and become a ‘concept artist’?

Learn how to express character themes, create character drafts and sheets, build portfolios, and more!

For those studying independently, we’ve developed a step-by-step curriculum led by concept artist Soyoong, an active videogame illustrator and instructor at PROPIC ACADEMY.

Artist Soyoong possesses both artistic and instructional talent. In this class, you will focus solely on the fundamentals of concept art and gain useful techniques for creating character designs, rough drafts, illustrations, and portfolios.

Based on the instructor’s field experience and teaching background, you will also receive tips on self-study and developing the right mindset!

Do you aspire to become one of the best concept artists, mastering concept development and art techniques?

Explore this curriculum developed by an active videogame concept artist at Coloso.

15 Class Exercises:

Step 01: Character Design Theory

  • Consideration of the Viewer
  • Visual Theme Selection
  • Silhouette

Step 02: Creating & Refining Character Concept Roughs

  • Draft Creation
  • Concept Variation
  • Design Variation
  • Refining the Rough Draft
  • Finalizing the Character Design

Step 03: Making a Character Sheet

  • Character Sheet Process
  • Elements of a Character Sheet
  • Cautions in Creating Character Sheets

Step 04: Painting a Character Illustration

  • Illustration Rough Draft
  • Drafting & Construction
  • Quality Enhancement

Step 05: How to Study Painting Independently

  • Viewer Consideration
  • Viewer Consideration
  • Viewer Consideration
Class Highlights:

Effectively Emphasizing Character Themes in Designs:
Learn techniques to effectively convey themes using silhouettes, color contrast, and focal point adjustments, applying these methods for easier and more engaging character designs.

Creating Character Sheets and Illustration Portfolios:
Discover practical portfolio-building techniques recognized by professionals, understanding the reasons and methods behind creating solid portfolios every professional artist should master.

Mental Control & Self-Study Methods for Professional Success:
Master the right mindset to overcome common emotional challenges such as burnout, creative slumps, fatigue, and jealousy. Discipline yourself for self-study and professional growth as an artist.

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