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Realistic Character Art in a Traditional Painting Style by Erak Note (Korean, Eng sub)


Release date:2022

Duration:18 h 17 m

Author:Erak Note

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

This online course is designed to teach you the efficient digital drawing process used by Erak Note, a professional concept artist with over a decade of industry experience. You’ll begin by learning basic Photoshop settings and how to test brush functions, including Wacom Tablet Control Panel, personalizing Tablet Properties, and setting Photoshop keyboard shortcuts.

Next, you’ll move on to creating a basic sketch for realistic character art, focusing on sketching a stable and proportionate face and body and separating the character from the background with grayscale depth.

You’ll then practice coloring techniques using various Photoshop functions such as Glazing, Curves, Dodge, Burn, and Sponge to apply colors to the character’s face, body, and costume.

With a solid understanding of light and shadows, you’ll learn how to use a pencil brush and blend modes to draw leather and metal and add texture to your character art.

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  1. please. do u have this
    I can’t find anywhere
    btw thank u

  2. Hello! Thank you so much for this one can you please add this one as well
    thanks in advance!

    Illustrating Male Characters with Perfect Line Art
    Illustrator, Hyunkyu Kim

  3. Thank you very much for uploading these!

    Do you have this one?

  4. Thank you so much for this uploading! do you have this

  5. Please can this one be uploaded??

    (and this one:

  6. Thank you very much. Can you upload this course ( ) I would really appreciate it.

  7. Thank you so much for this uploading! do you have this

  8. Thank you so much for uploading this!!!
    Could you please upload this course also on coloso. course: 5 Steps to Master the Core Principles of Light and Coloring.

  9. Is it possible to get this link
    Thank in advance!

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