Week 1 | Introduction
Powerful approaches to grouping in SOPs | In depth: COPY SOP / copy stamping techniques | In depth: FOR LOOPS and FOR EACH SOP | Avoiding object intersections with FOR LOOPS, stop condition and intersect SOP | Using FOR EACH blocks to create a multi-threaded COPY SOP | Introduction to compile blocks
Week 2 | Procedural Modeling I
An introduction to point cloud procedures in CVEX | Using FOR EACH and COPY SOP approaches to procedurally model a riverbed | Closer look at the Ray SOP, Skin SOP, creating UVs | Unified noise in attribute VOP | Implementing object avoidance for rocks with workflow from Week #1 | Use SOP workflows to model the base of a stone tower using FOR EACH and COPY SOP | Introduction to procedural SOP techniques to create the tower’s windows and floors
Week 3 | Procedural Modeling II
Exploring different procedural modeling techniques in SOPs | Create the towers battlement geometry | Create a complex system to cut holes into tower for door & windows, a first look into problem solving when working around limitations of Houdini | Setting up a “Master Null” in order to add animation controls to modify the tower’s properties | Poly Bevel SOP and how to deal with corrupt geometry | Creating UVs for the tower and UV layout workflow
Week 4 | Magic Attack 1: Particles
Creating a complex multi-layer magic particle simulation that includes: Working with noises in VOPs, writing advanced CVEX code in a SOP Solver in order to create secondary lightning branches | Using a SOP Solver for particle generation & distribution | Introducing the primuv() function in VEX for particles to follow splines | Generating impact sparks, energy particles and a very dense silty particle pass
Week 5 | Magic Attack 2: RBDs
Using Voronoi SOP to create wood splinters for the tower’s door | Creating a system to use lightning bolt particles that trigger the RBD activation | Using a volumetric scalar field to activate RBD objects | Setting up constraints in SOPs using Connect Adjacent Pieces SOP and adding constraint attributes | Pre-fracturing the stone tower | Rigid Body Dynamics: destroy the tower asset, while learning about art-directing RBDs | Advanced manipulation of constraints in a SOP Solver | Creating custom forces with Pop Wrangles and CVEX to control RBD objects | Using CVEX to create a custom sleeping system to optimize simulation times
Week 6 | Magic Attack 3: Volumetrics
Using CVEX and point clouds functions to define smoke emission areas | Using CVEX to interpolate the emission points for fast moving objects | Creating a smoke source | Setting up a clustering system with dynamic DOPNET start frame | Generate a smoke simulation to enhance the tower destruction effect | Creating and caching of the collider objects| Dynamic container resizing | First look at gas microsolvers such as: Gas Match Field, Gas Field Wrangle, Gas Blur, Gas Calculate | Volume compression and caching wedges to disk | Importing wedges using a FOR LOOP and Python | Custom gas disturbance workflow for fractal-like detail
Week 7 | Magic Attack 4: Lighting & Rendering
Setting up a shader for the character using the Principled Shader | Exploring different lights in Houdini, i.e. environment light for HDRI | Using the Material Shader Builder to create a custom displacement material for the tower | Creating shaders for the door and environment | Using the Geometry Light for interactive particle lighting | Setting up particle shaders | First look at Mantra, Houdini’s render engine | Rendering the tower scene including particles, RBD and smoke | Bonus content: Using COPs for basic compositing of render passes
Week 8 | Flip Fluids Simulation
Using procedural techniques to create the main flip particle source | Setting up, examining and tweaking the Flip Solver | Adding a ‘pre-roll’ particle source to decrease simulation times | Setting up an additional emitter to add control over water level | Using gas microsolvers and SOP scalar fields in order to control Gas Turbulence and Gas Vortex Confinement | Creating a complex system for custom splashes around bigger rocks using SOPs, Pop VOP and Pop Wrangle | Using noise functions in CVEX | Setting up colliders for Flip simulations | Caching to disk using Fluid Compress SOP
Week 9 | Whitewater Simulation
Detailed look at Particle Fluid Surface SOP for flip meshing & caching | Introduction to the Whitewater Source SOP | Setting up clustering/wedging for whitewater simulation | First look at Whitewater solver & emitter in DOPs | Breaking up foam using a custom POP VOP | Manipulating the Whitewater solver for custom particle classification in SOP Solver | Deleting leaking particles | Importing whitewater wedges | Advanced post-simulation point manipulation techniques for whitewater particles
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