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Painting WOD’s by Antonio Stappaerts


Release date:2022, July 27

Duration:17 h 49 m

Author:Antonio Stappaerts

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Join the thousands of artists who have transformed their skills with ArtWod! We’re so confident in the effectiveness of our program and art school that we invite you to try it out for yourself.

ArtWod is a supportive and interactive community for aspiring artists. We understand the challenges of being a modern-day student of the arts, and our mission is to create a welcoming community where artists can share their knowledge and support each other.

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  1. Hello 👋. Thank you so much for sharing. I would just like to make you aware that like on other tutorials there are videos not working, that is not playing on the web and not being able to download, their are the two composition basics videos on the cycle 5 and 7 under organic, I’m not sure what is causing this but it would be nice if they could be played. Thank you 🙏 😊 I know you do the best you can and it’s tremendously appresiated.

  2. Hello, the course is kinda incomplete, there should be 3 diferents “Material indication” but all 3 are the same in this case,Also composition basics doesn’t download

    • No, that is just the way Artwod is. There are weekly “wods” with unique assignments and typically a demo. Those are recorded specifically for those workouts. There is also a classroom that generally coincides with the topic that isn’t re-recorded. It is useful but may not fit the assignment specifically.

      I just have a centralized folder for all the classroom videos and create shortcuts in the wod folders as necessary.

      • hey buddy i dnt understand his program , n like u said u have a folder can u just share information about how should i start n end like u have organised it would be alot of help ,u can email me at [email protected]

  3. Thank you so much this is awesome content!! Will be added the cycle 1-4 and 10-13? Again, thank you so much for this.

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