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Architecture Digital Collage by Show it Better

Release date:2020, February 3

Author:Show it Better

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Not Provided

Hi there my name is Steven, architect and lover of architectural representation. On this class you will learn how to create a Digital Architectural Collage. From a brief history of architectural collage, creation of color palettes and mood boards, all the way to exporting and setting your scene in sketchup, importing it to photoshop and creating breath taking and visually pleasing results. You will also learn the reasons why an architect should know how to create collage images and what is the best practice to do it effectively. The lessons cover:

Brief Architectural Collage Background

Discovering References

Photoshop Shortcuts for better workflow

Sites to download textures

Importing Textures and Applying them to your image

Creating basic renders in vray

Adding vegetation and entourage

PLUS bonus segments on Creating a GIF with your image.

If you are an architect, architecture student, landscape architect or just are interested in digital collages, then this course is for you! It is for Beginner to intermediate levels in Sketchup, Vray and Photoshop.

You will create a breathtaking post digital collage that will lead your portfolio in a great direction!

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01. Introduction
01. Introduction
02. Lets get to know each other!

02. Brief background of the architectural collage
01. Introduction to a quick background of the architectural collage
02. Mies Van der Rohe and his collage
03. Artictis influences on the architectural collage
04. The architecture collage of the 70s
05. The new wave of collage
06. Conclusions of the history of collage

03. Concept and References
01. Introduction to concept and refences
02. Mood board and refences
03. Preliminary drawing
04. Takeaways from concept and references

04. Creating a texture library
01. Introduction to a texture library
02. Sites to download textures
03. Organizing yout images in folder structures
04. What to look for in a image
05. Takeaways from folder structure

05. Photoshop keyboard shortcuts
01. Introducion to shortcuts
02. 5 Beginner shortcuts
03. 5 Intermediate shortcuts
04. 5 Advanced shortcuts
05. Conclusion on PS shortcuts

06. Exporting base image from sketchup
01. Introduction
02. Opening sketchup model and setting up a scene
03. Creating a base render
04. Exporting image in different channels
05. Importing into photoshop and setting up a folder
06. Export line drawings from sketchup
07. Takeaways for exporting

07. Importing and adjusting textures into photoshop
01. Introduction
02. Cropping a canvas and adding a background
03. Importing roof texture and creating masks
04. Applying different concrete textures and solving problems
05. Colorizing textures and adding the sky
06. Key takeaways

08. Adding vegetation and people
01. Introduction
02. Foreground vegetation
03. Background and middleground vegetation
04. Adding people and animals
05. Conclusion

09. Final adjustments
01. Introduction
02. Final adjustments
03. Exporting your image
04. BONUS creating a GIF

10. Conclusions on the digital collage
01. Conclusions

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