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Anti-Yawn Infographic (Spanish, Multisub)


Release date:2022

Author:Francesco and Pablo

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Design a high impact infographic about the most absurd deaths
Win the battle against boring data. In this course, Francesco and Pablo will teach you the methodology to turn a handful of information into an infographic poster with a high level of molosity. You will design your own infographic about the most stupid deaths on the planet, from the choice of data to the final touches, and you will work with a relaxed and fun approach that you can apply in your future as an infographic of the XXI century.

About this course
How to develop an infographic molona and not die in the attempt. The experts of relaxcoco will provide you with the basic kit of tricks and tools to shine your project, finding out how to search for anti-bite data and how you can organize and transform them until you get an impressive infographic. You will work on the entire infographic workflow:

  • The referents.
  • Choice of information and data analysis.
  • Sketch and structure of the grid. The secret of the perfect grid!
  • Typography, geometric vector and chromatic range.
  • Preparation of the material and final touches.

You will also learn tricks to organize and divide your work into small assumable tasks. And, as if that were not enough, you can laugh at death graphically.

What is this course’s project?
Throughout this course you will carry out step by step a high impact infographic poster that allows you to graphically explain the essence of the evolution of the species: the Darwin Awards, with a Top 5 of the most stupid deaths on the planet.

Who is it for?
If yours is not the infographic it does not matter. In a few years you can regret not having taken advantage of it. So, get ready and you’ll appreciate it. The course is open to all those whose motto in life is “Divide et impera”, because only in this way can you get to live the infographic

What you need
You will need basic knowledge in Adobe tools (with a bit of Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator you’re doing well, you do not have to cover too much either). And if you have worked with typography and visual hierarchy before, even better. If not, there is always a first time.

Materials: Only your computer and your coconut in command.

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