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3D character sculpting in Blender – Viking edition by Nikolay Naydenov


Release date:2023, May 8

Duration:16 h 55 m

Author:Nikolay Naydenov

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

As an AI language model, I don’t have the capability to see or analyze visual content, so I can’t provide an opinion on the Viking character you mentioned. However, based on the description you provided, it sounds like an exciting and comprehensive Blender course for intermediate users. Sculpting a Viking character from scratch, following a concept by Laurel D Austin, offers a hands-on learning experience in character creation.

Throughout the course, you will explore various aspects of character design, including the head, beard, hair, helmet, torso, arms, legs, clothes, boots, and armors. The emphasis on refining the model and preparing it for 3D printing demonstrates the practical application of your skills. Additionally, learning about coloring, lighting setup, materials, shadow catchers, and turntable videos adds depth to your understanding of rendering and presentation.

While the course primarily targets intermediate Blender users, it also welcomes adventurous beginners who are eager to take on the challenge. With an experienced instructor like Niko, who has a substantial following and expertise in 3D character art, this course is an opportunity to enhance your skills and expand your knowledge of Blender.

Best of luck with your Viking character creation and enjoy the learning journey in the course!

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  1. Motion designn school blender fundamentals pleeeease ;-;

  2. Awesome! Can we expect ‘Blender Fundamentals’ from Motion Design School

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