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Anime Character Design for Level Up – Key Points Breakdown by Wingfox Studio (Chinese, Eng sub)


Release date:2019

Duration:07 h 00 m

Author:Wingfox Studio

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

“Anime Character Design for Level Up – Key Points Breakdown” by Wingfox Studio is an instructional course that focuses on enhancing your skills in creating anime-style characters. Here is a breakdown of the key points covered in this course:

  • Character Design Fundamentals: The course starts by establishing a strong foundation in character design principles. You will learn about anatomy, proportions, posing, and facial expressions specific to anime-style characters.
  • Designing Unique Characters: Wingfox Studio emphasizes the importance of creating original and memorable characters. You will explore techniques to develop unique personalities, backstories, and visual traits that make your characters stand out.
  • Mastering Costume Design: The course delves into the intricacies of designing costumes for anime characters. You will learn about various clothing styles, accessories, and how to effectively incorporate them to enhance the overall character design.
  • Expressive Facial Features: Wingfox Studio guides you through the process of creating expressive and emotive facial features. You will learn how to convey different emotions through facial expressions and manipulate key elements such as eyes, eyebrows, and mouth.
  • Dynamic Poses and Action: Anime characters often exhibit dynamic and energetic poses. The course teaches you how to create compelling action poses that convey movement and intensity, adding depth and excitement to your character designs.
  • Coloring and Shading Techniques: Wingfox Studio provides insights into effective coloring and shading techniques for anime-style characters. You will learn how to use color theory, lighting, and shadow to bring your characters to life and enhance their three-dimensionality.
  • Composition and Presentation: The course covers the importance of composition and presentation in showcasing your character designs. You will learn how to frame your characters, create appealing compositions, and present your artwork in a professional manner.

Throughout the course, Wingfox Studio provides step-by-step demonstrations, practical exercises, and valuable insights based on their expertise in anime character design. By the end of the course, you will have gained the skills and knowledge needed to level up your anime character design abilities and create captivating and visually appealing characters.

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  1. Thank you for the videos! Would it be possible to add these two class101 courses?

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