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The Character Drawing Course By Drawing Courses


Release date:2021

Author:Drawing Courses

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Are you ready to update your character drawing abilities? In 8 weeks you’ll learn how to sketch, refine, and create characters you can be proud of.
Most of us grew up playing video games, reading comics, and watching anime, movies, or cartoons. Probably a mixture of all of ’em.
We saw the heroes, the villains, and everyone in between. People of all shapes and sizes, of all looks and personalities.
It’s only natural to start imagining your own creations– characters drawn up in your mind’s eye that you can share with the world.
This is the course that will help you make them a reality. In just 8 weeks we cover everything from quick drawings to polished pieces.
Learn what makes a successful character, and how to design them for your stories, worlds, or just for fun.
No talent required. Just a bit of drawing experience and a willingness to grow and explore!

Here’s the curriculum week-by-week:

  • Character sketching and posing – A simple intro to posing and such.
  • Character construction – Building the body-machine.
  • Character Portrait Drawing – Heads are important!
  • Expressions and facial features – Figure out the face.
  • Clothing And Accessories – Wrap those forms in style.
  • Concept Art & Design – Varying hair, outfits, looks, and views!
  • Backstory and Appeal – Weave a believable OC
  • Presentation and Polish – Bringing it all together
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Lesson 01.0_Intro_to_Gestures_
Lesson 01.1_Gesture_Pt_2_
Lesson 01.2_Construction_overview_
Lesson 01.3_Construction_overview_II
Lesson 01.4_Intermediate_Gesture_Demo
Lesson 01.5_Drawing_Over_Gestures
Lesson 01.6_Drawing_Over_Gestures
Lesson 02.0_Construction_basics
Lesson 02.1_Construction_Body_types
Lesson 02.2_Construction_Construction_Process
Lesson 02.3_Construction_Tools
Lesson 02.4_Construction_Demos
Lesson 02.5_Assignment
Lesson 03 – portraits_Intro
Lesson 03.1 – Portrait_Construct_Demo
Lesson 03.2 – Portrait_Construct_Demo
Lesson 03.3 – Portrait_Tips01
Lesson 03.4 – Assignment_DEMO
Lesson 04 portraits
Lesson 04.1_Emotions_and_Degrees
Lesson 04.2_Subtle_Vs_Extreme
Lesson 04.3_Facial_Features_Modulation
Lesson 04.4_Assignment
Lesson 04.5_Assignment_Demo
Lesson 05.1_Cloth_overview
Lesson 05.2_Cloth_101
Lesson 05.3_Cloth_Breakdowns
Lesson 05.3_Cloth_Girl_Outfit
Lesson 05.4_attire_attributes
Lesson 05.5_Assignment
Lesson 05_Clothes
Lesson 06.0_Concept_art
Lesson 06.1_Concept_art_Sketching
Lesson 06.2_Concept_art_SketchingII
Lesson 06.3_Concept_art_SketchingIII
Lesson 06.4_Concept_art_SketchingIV
Lesson 06.5_Concept_art_Assignment
Lesson 07.1 Character_design_And_backstory_demoI
Lesson 07.2_Character_design_And_backstory_Beat
Lesson 07.3_Character_design_And_backstory_emotion_demo
Lesson 07.4_CHaracter_design_And_backstory_emotion_Assignment
Lesson 07.4_CHaracter_design_And_backstory_emotion_Assignment
Lesson 07_Character_design_And_backstory
Lesson 08.1_PP_OVERVIEW
Lesson 08.2_PP_Max_Demo
Lesson 08.2_PP_Presentation_Demo
Lesson 08.3_PP_Presentation_Demo_II
Lesson 08.4_Assignment
Lesson 08_Polish_and_Presentation

[Gumroad] The Character Drawing Course By Drawing Courses _Subtitles.7z

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